The present article, last in the series on Plato’s divine philosophy, embarks on showing that the political philosophy of Plato, more than any other philosophical system in the world, in harmony with Shiite spiritual thought, is immersed in divinity and spirituality. The article begins with a very brief introduction to the spiritual system of Imamate in Shiite thought. Bringing various quotations from Plato himself, the article proceeds to prove that in Plato’s system only the righteous and the spiritual men, who have come to see the spiritual truths of the world and on top of them all “the Sublime Origin” or “the Good”, will be eligible and able to govern their society.
Thus, among Plato’s directives for the state, the most important is to prepare proper grounds for the spiritual and moral improvements of the citizens.
At the end the article cites some prominent Muslim Philosophers such as Farabi, Ave Cine, and Sohrevardi, in order to show the consistency of their views with the spiritual ideas of Plato’s regarding politics and state.