Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Ph.d Student in Moral Philosophy, Qom University

2 Associate Professor , Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Qom University


So far, moral features have been divided into absolute and relative, individual and social, temporary and permanent and so on. The least advantage of these divisions and separations is a help to moral studies and a better and systematic understanding of moral values and anti-values for moral doers. In this essay according to a cause and effect, and necessary relationship which might be among some virtues and vices, we try to divide moral features into two general categories of Dependent and Independent and relatively another category under the name of Dependent-Independent or Double-sided and consequently we will represent and explain a new category in ethics (and specifically meta-ethics) . Moreover, for explanation and judging this division, hope and jealousy as two Independent moral features, and patience and self-righteousness as two Dependent moral features will be examined in order to represent the efficiency and righteousness of this division with more accuracy.


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