Document Type : Scientific-research



What we call "tragic culture" in this article is the result of Nietzsche and Artaud's approaches that found the aesthetic patterns of it in ancient Greek tragedies and “theater of cruelty’’. So from the perspective of Nietzsche and Artaud, Theater acts as a model for aesthetic justification of the existence. The ultimate goal of this paper is a definition of a kind of culture that is on the basis of such a perspective. The aesthetic culture takes place against the kind of culture that tries to reduce life to an ideological and subjective element. So in the end, in addition to a comparative study, we will see that the unity that exists in the modern culture is a false unity that is imposed by an external element, but the true meaning of culture is formed from an internal unity like the aesthetic unity in the work of art and this culture is linked to the aesthetic justification of existence. Finally we try to explain the quality of this culture in the pattern of a concept of "Action", "Pluralism" and "Yes Saying" to life and to the "New". This research is based on library resources and particularly focusing on the books “The Birth of Tragedy” and “the theatre and its double’’.


Main Subjects

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