Document Type : Scientific-research



Mullasadra discussed about the origin of art and aesthetic creation more than any other mulism Philosphers. For him human as the caliph of god, presenting the art to humans in the worlds before the material creation, instinctive tendencies especially desire to present and expose the creations and innovations, desire to accomplishment and completion of works, desire to decoration and beautification are among the origins of art. With reliance on straggly remarks of Mullasadra, this article tries to reconstruct his theory about the origin of art and for this aim the concept of imagination has a pivotal role, because it is the close origin of all art works. So according to Sadraean anthropology, two faculties of passive imagination and active imagination has a pivotal role in aesthetic creation. Faculties that are in a close connection with the special conception of  discontinuous imaginative forms and make the distinctive idea of him from Avicenna.


Main Subjects

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