Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Associate Professor of Islamic Azad University, Yadegar-e-Imam Branch

2 student of PH.D.


In this article we study Ibn Arabi's views on women. His mystical look, is the most complete and deepest vote. In his view man comes from the love of God and the beauty of God's name whether female or male; and all of creatures show the beauty of God's but the woman is the most important and most complete symbol. Men and women are equal in the principle of humanity and the true humanity of the human groups is comprehensive and collaborative. Being man or woman was incidental and every possible perfection for men, is also possible for women. As women are not obsolete any degree of perfection even at a higher level of tutorship and polarity. The woman is a mirror in which male sees himself and to love him, loves God and this love brings him to the origin (which created), the principle and his existence. Ibn Arabi requires the presence of women in the guidance of their mystical system. He regards incomplete this mystical system without women. The most perfect example of beauty in this world is woman. Love and friendship of God has been manifested in many things but if the mystic, looks good, he finds it to be perfect manifestations of the presence.


Main Subjects

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