Document Type : Scientific-research
1 PhD Student of Philosophy, University of Tehran
2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Tehran
Schelling’s philosophical orientations has undergone many changes during his lifetime; But it would be justifiable to be said that he has one fundamental issue, according to which being or absolute identity is not within the reach of mind. In the middle of 1790s, Schelling's philosophy begins with his engagement with Fichte’s attempts to pursue Kant's transcendental philosophy, granted priority to the activity of consciousness in the formation of the recognisable world. Together with this comes the starting of an everlasting unanimity with Spinoza’s belief that philosophy must begin with a self-sufficient Absolute. Near the beginning of the next century Schelling produces the Naturphilosophie, which gives the role of activity of a subject to the nature and names it 'productivity'. So, he rejects all approaches which regards nature inanimate and strictly contrary to living thinking. He comes to the 'identity philosophy' in the early 1800s according to which 'mind' and 'matter', the 'ideal' and the 'real' are only different degrees, or outlooks, of the Same. During this period, he eventually dissents from Fichte, whom he considers as failing to move out of the realm of self-consciousness to a being as the foundation of consciousness.
Main Subjects
Nietzsche, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Fichte, J.G. (1971) Werke I, Berlin: De Gruyter.
Frank, Manfred (1991) Selbstbewusstsein und Selbsterkenntnis: Essays
zur analytischen Philosophie der Subjektivität, Stuttgart: Reclam.
Henrich, Dieter (1982) Selbstverhältnisse, Stuttgart: Reclam.
Kant, Immanuel (1968) Kritik der reinen Vernunft, in Werkausgabe I-XII,
vols III, IV, ed. Wilhelm Weischedel, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Kant, Immanuel (1977) Kritik der Urteilskraft, in Werkausgabe, vols X, ed.
Wilhelm Weischedel, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
Sandkaulen-Bock, Birgit (1990) Ausgang vom Unbedingten. Über den
Anfang in der Philosophie Schellings, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph (1969) Initia Philosophiae Universae
(1820-1), ed. Horst Fuhrmans, Bonn: Bouvier
--- (1972) Grundlegung der positiven Philosophie (1832-3), ed. Horst
Fuhrmans, Turin: Bottega d'Erasmo
--- (1977) Philosophie der Offenbarung (1841-2), ed. Manfred Frank,
Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.
/36زمینههای گذر به وجود به مثابه بنیان آگاهی درشلینگ
--- (1989) Einleitung in die Philosophie (1830), ed. Walter E. Ehrhardt
(Schellingiana 11), Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog
---(1990) System der Weltalter (1827-8), ed. S. Peetz, Frankfurt:
---Sämmtliche Werke. 14 vols, Stuttgart and Augsburg: J.G. Cotta'scher
Verlag, 1856-61. Reprint edition of selected works. Darmstadt: by
volume and Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1974-76. The following listing of works page number will clarify the references in the
1:149-244. "Vom Ich als Prinzip der Philosophie" (On the ego as principle
of philosophy) (1795).
1:281-342. "Philosophische Briefe über Dogmatismus und Kriticismus"
(Philosophical letters concerning dogmatism and criticism) (1795).
2:1-344. Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur (Ideas toward a philosephy
of nature) (1797). "Einleitung" [Introduction], pages 1-73.
4:79-104. Über der wahren Begriff der Naturphilosophie usw. [On the true
concept of Naturphilosophie usw.](1801)
6:131-574. System der gesammten Philosophie und der Natur-philosophie
insbesondere (System of all philosophy and of the philosophy of nature
in particular) (1804). Pages 215-574 are omitted from the
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft edition; they are included in the
Schröder edition (see below).
7:1-126. "Darlegung des wahren Verhältnisses der Naturphilosophie zu
der verbesserten Fichteschen Lehre" (Exhibition of the true relation of
the philosophy of nature to the improved Fichtean doctrine) (1806).
7:140-97. "Aphorismen zur Einleitung in die Naturphilosophie"
(Aphorisms introducing the philosophy of nature) (1806).
10:1-200. Zur Geschichte der neueren Philosophie (On the history of
modern philosophy)
13:1-174. "Einleitung in die Philosophie der Offenbarung oder Be
gründung der positiven Philosophie" (Introduction to the philosophy of
revelation or foundation of positive philosophy