Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD Student of Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Zanjan

3 Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch


Distinguishing intuitive method from what is called Kantian regressive method , Husserl was sought to original transcendental knowledge. According to Husserlian phenomenology , although Kantian categories pursuit foundations of scientific experience but merely result in formal knowledge that has no concrete content with respect to transcendental domain. that Kant leaves unnoticed that empirical science is resulted from subjectivity lead to positing subjects that , on enduring necessity, act in unknown way to make up world of experience that its validity itself is under suspicion . For Husserl, returning to life-world is the only way to clarification of transcendental domain in order to explain how the subject is part of world and at the same time is involved in constitution of world. But this returning confront him with paradox : if transcendental subject is ultimate and fundamental truth, then world and everything mundane get its meaning from this transcendental subject that from the other side, itself is in world. How can transcendental subject be subject of world and subject in the world? We try to show that how Husserl's analyse of meaning and function of life-world and the ways that ego is disclosed in the course of epoche, clarify transcendental domain.


Main Subjects

رشیدیان، عبدالکریم ( ،)1391هوسرل در متن آثارش، تهران: نشر نی.
هوسرل، ادموند (( )1392الف)، ایدهی پدیدهشناسی، ترجمهی عبدالکریم رشیدیان، تهران:
انتشارات علمی و فرهنگی.
هوسرل، ادموند(( )1392ب)، تأملات دکارتی، ترجمهی عبدالکریم رشیدیان، تهران: نشر نی.
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