Document Type : Scientific-research


1 razi univercity

2 Faculty Member of the Razi University Philosophy Department


The necessity of teach philosophy for happiness from the perspective of Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi

Although the loss Books and literature of Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi made it difficult to study his ideas, but the study of the remains of his works Shows that happiness is an important issue for him.
Razi believes that happiness is the same as getting free from pain and suffering and because the pragmatic world is filled with suffering. Therefore, Human happiness is freedom from this.
Zakariya believes that human beings are able to reach happiness without the help of religion and only with the help of reason.
He believes that philosophy and a philosophical character is the only way to prosper and achieve real happiness.
In his intellectual system philosophy has an Essential role on human happiness
In this article the Proof of these claims is presented and the way that philosophy could help you achieve happiness, has been discussed in detail.
His philosophy is not about the concept that is commonplace today and refers to the first philosophy, but rather means the right way of life and the health of the heart from spiritual illness. He emphasizes that, as we need physicians and physicians for the treatment of physical illnesses, we will also need mental health for the elimination of mental illness


Main Subjects

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