Document Type : Scientific-research


1 kashan university

2 assistance professor University of Kashan


Ghazali in his different works says that every human being born on a clean nature, but his/her parents drive them to a certain religion or sect. He uses the concept of Fetrah in different meanings and functions. Based on religious anthropology, Gazali believes that we cannot affirm simply that the Fetrah that humans born based on it, in completely correspond with the religion of Islam. This is not the same thing that majority of Muslim theologians believe to it. In addition, for achieving Truth, we should notice to the main Fetrah not to the imitation. Gazali in his two works, Almahak alnazar and Alehya o Alolum, by a logical approach to the Fetrah, sometimes takes it the same thing with Reason (Aghl) and sometimes believes that it is the intuitional instrument for logical reasonings. In this article, we try to investigate the different meanings and functions of Fetrah in the Gazali's Works and survey that to some extent, He affected by the Avicenna's works and thoughts. Also we will try to show that Gazali in his different works, logical or philosophical or theological, notices to the different functions of Fetrah, for example, religious function and logical and also epistemological functions.


Main Subjects

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