Document Type : Scientific-research


Doctor of Sociology of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences


Hegel explains the development of spirit through the evolution of sensational consciousness, self-consciousness, reason, spirit, religion, and absolute wisdom. Consciousness moves dialectically along the context of history. Therefore, knowledge is dynamic and self-discoverable. On the other hand, Mannheim views knowledge in social contexts. To him, consideration of the essence of knowledge prevents it from being pure and stagnant and puts it into social context. Thus, Hegel puts knowledge into historical context and Mannheim puts it into social context. This article studies the influence of Hegel’s phenomenology on Mannheim to understand the way in his philosophy (Mannheim’s) knowledge is related to Hegel’s philosophical cognition. Mannheim, in his introduction of fundamental concepts such as history, ideology, false consciousness, action, totality, knowledge, and truth, which had a crucial role in his development of sociology of knowledge, has been under the influence of The Phenomenology of Spirit. So we can say that Mannheim expands the Hegelian concepts of consciousness and knowledge in his sociology of knowledge.


Main Subjects

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