Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences


Moral arguments, especially in the form of concise formulation based on the tradition of analytical philosophers, have become very popular since the twentieth century. The main focus of this article is on examining the practical challenges to the realization of an effective ethical argument. Benjamin De Mesel is one of the few who has independently analyzed the issue, believing that a rational and perfected moral argument is not a reasonably valid argument, but must have overcome some practical obstacles or challenges. On this basis, the main question in this paper is, in the light of the De Mesel view, what are these challenges and to what extent are they appropriate and valid. The denial of moral determinants, disregard for one's moral attitudes, lack of depth, and neglect of the individual dimensions of ethical issues are the subject of these four challenges. The findings of the article suggest that, first of all, De Mesel is not very successful in explaining and proving all of these challenging cases, and in successful cases, some of them require better reasoning or more explanation.


Main Subjects

قرآن کریم
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