Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom, University of Tehran

2 Senior Philosophy Student at Razi University


Farabi is the only philosopher in the Muslim world whose views and opinions on the resurrection are controversial and different and there are numerous reports of his views on On this subject as far as Some believe that he does not believe in the resurrection of mankind. But our research in this article shows that Farabi does not deny the principle of resurrection ، Rather, he denies the resurrection of the Incomplete Spirits (children, insane peoples and idiots) .The purpose of this article is to examine Farabi's perspective on the fate of the Incomplete Spirits (children, insane peoples and idiots) Discussion on the Fate of the Incomplete Spirits is usually examined from the standpoint of theology and its relation to the two attributes of justice and divine wisdom. But Farabi deals with this The problem purely from a philosophical perspective And even he Does not discuss about the verses and traditions that are seemingly opposite views. Farabi, according to his anthropological principles and specific look at the quality of the Resurrection, to conclude that incomplete Spirits, like other animals, are annihilated after death. In this article we examined the views of Farabi and his Evidence and arguments and his Anthropological Foundations.


Main Subjects

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