Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor in Communication, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University


The aim of the present research is to elaborate and interpret human communication based on narration and re–reading the concept of friendship in a mythological communication. While poets and ancient Greek thinkers used the term mythos for Word, after Socrates the term mythos was substituted by the term logos and logos became common. In this research, by interpretation of logos in Heidegger’s Phenomenology tradition and through Gadamer’s Hermeneutic, it will be illustrated how dialogue based on logos manifests in a co-breathing concept. I draw this main question that in case of restoring and retrieving the dignity of mythos meaning as a Word, then how mythos appears in a friendly dialogue and what is the characteristics of such a communication?  I draw another question through which asking that if the presence of logos  in a live dialogue leads to re-animate of soul (Psyche) and comes about to co-breathing moment, whether a mythological communication also will be an introvertive communication? Ricour’s reading of Augustine’s theory of Time, made a contribution to illustrate the relation between soul and mythos, as my subordinate hypothesis. Also, for achieving the telos of communication based on mythos I use Recour’s hermeneutic phenomenology to show how a real dialogue in the position of mythos will be an opportunity for intimate solitude.


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