Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Shiraz University

2 Assistant Professor in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Shiraz University


In this paper, we review the relationship between science and the perfectionism of material beings by considering the Mulla Sadra's philosophical perspectives. Mulla Sadra, by proving the "enthusiasm of matter in the form" and presenting the theory of the "substantial motion" as well as referring to the flow of "love" in the universe; he displays a novel page of the universe's endeavor to the intended home and describes the enthusiasm, motion, and love in the universe as accompanying and parallel to science that introduces the cause of the general and extensive perfectibility of (material) beings and the promotion of their degree of existence and goal-directed departure towards "absolute completeness" (God the most high necessary existent). Also, Mulla Sadra, by being influenced by the verses of the Qur'an and the words of the mystics, clarifies the relationship between the components of the universe and their perfectionism goal; and with his unifying insight, considers the interpretation of verses such as (Behold, eventually all affairs go to Allah) that all universe is generated from God and is moving towards the Almighty God. The understanding wisdom of the motion, enthusiasm, and love in the path of perfectibility (in material beings) has evolved our approach and worldview toward creation.


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