Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student in Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Associate Professor in Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The reinterpretation of Hegel's philosophy on the basis of desire and negativity is a new work that seeks to reinterpret idealist philosophy with a psychoanalytic approach based on the individual subject. From Hegel's thought, the fascinating idea of ​​the desire and necessity of negativity is formed as the main pillars of self-consciousness, but because of the originality he attaches to the concept of absolute, he does not narrate it very faithfully to the individual; Leaves room for other interpretations with commentators. This category becomes a milestone for the Frankfurt School's critical approach to re-establishing the Hegelian subject's failed connection with the world and trying to address its shortcomings. In this category, it is clear that the subject's relationship with the world around him is formed based on desire and emotions, and the continuation of the path of self-consciousness to reach an effective and revolutionary subject requires a view based on these two concepts. The present challenge shapes the subject of this article and shows how the absolute in Hegel's thought opens the way for the necessary presence of art to the point where, instead of the end of art, its beginning is announced again. By adopting this view that we need to re-read our unconsiousness, our imagination, and our fantacies so that we can return from head to our feet again.


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