Document Type : Scientific-research


1 Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Shahed University

2 Associate professor, Department of Philosophy, Razavi University of Islamic Sciences


Move and change versus stability, is one of the long-standing issues of philosophy which the great philosophers have long tried to explain and analyze it. For this reason, the study of the external being of the motion has also entered the discussions of great philosophers such as Mirdamad. Mirdamad presents his theory of the external existence of motion in several general sections: Definition of the medial motion and traversal motion, Providing the proof to prove external existence traversal motion and the mental or imaginary existence of medial motion, external existence of traversal motion in Ibn Sina's expressions and theories. In the present study, Mirdamad's theory has been critically examined in these fields and it was proved that Mirdamad's definition of the traversal motion is further explanation of the Ibn Sina's view of the medial motion and it has nothing to do with the definition of traversal motion, which Ibn Sina considers mental and imaginary. Therefore, there is no difference between the traversal motion that Mirdamad considers it external with the moving in the medial motion that Ibn Sina considers it external. However, Mirdamad insists on the semantic difference between the two by quoting and arguing phrases from Ibn Sina's books. But it seems that the quoted and argued expressions do not imply Mirdamad's claim and do not prove his theory.


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