Document Type : Scientific-research


Explanation of Distinguishing Knowledge from Mental Existence Based on Javadi-Amoli’s View


The main problem of this research is to explain distinguishing knowledge from the mental existence from Javadi-Amoli’s view. The findings of this paper are: Knowledge is originally a type of immediate knowledge, earned by intuition, but mental existence of a real object is a mediate knowledge that is produced in light of the radiation of knowledge. Although actually the radiation of knowledge is emanated by God, knowledge as well as the mental existence of a real object depend on the human soul as an action depends on the agent performing it. There are prime object known by essence, i.e. original radiation of knowledge, which is united with object of knowledge; and grade two of object known by essence, i.e. a mental picture of object in the real world. When human soul reaches a suitable level to receive the radiation of knowledge, in light of this illumination, human soul can produce a gleam of existence along with a mental picture, correspondent to the real object. Then, mediate knowledge is based on immediate knowledge. Producing mediate knowledge, human being faces two problems to cause the error: first, the more powerful human soul more powerful and clear radiation of knowledge to be bestowed, but the less power of human soul the weak radiation of knowledge is bestowed; second, the necessity of transformation of immediate knowledge into mediate knowledge, so, it is a possibility of mistake during making this transformation. Thus, she cannot be dogmatic about the truth and correctness of her mediate knowledge.


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