Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The relation between mind and language which is nowadays generally examined in terms of physicality view is a questionable relationship. The neurologic scientist and physiologist investigate this type of relationship through more surfing human mind. The philosophers more particularly and using the philosophic method, examining this relation by ontology and epistemology and the psychologist do the same based on the structure and works of human mind and psycho. Edmund Husserl, the phenomenologist philosopher, believed that language is a device towards the meaning transformation and not more for this to be highly significant. Mind is the source of meanings which comprises not only this as a perfect form, but also the expressive content, from its linguistic type is nothing outside the ideal meanings. For this, Husserl tries to search the pure linguistic expression in this ideal way and mind. On the other side, based on Husserl, the logic which is the coordinator of the inner and outer world of human mind, is being abused and it should be redefined other than its additional indulgent aspect. Therefore, the indulgent aspect is comprised based on Husserl’s formative thought process and projected as the inferential phenomenology which included the discussion of logic, mind and language. In this research, it is tried to focus on the relationship between mind and language as well as to analyse the expression of the process.


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