Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant professor in Moral Philosophy, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences


The main issue in the present article is how the most important questions about the "meaning" of work and related issues can be addressed within the framework of a philosophical approach that can be called "work thinking". In this regard, an attempt has been made to first explain the meaning and importance of work thinking and in the light of that, the relationship between work with human beings and humanity and to explain the two approaches of work thinking with the approach of recreating the meaning of work (job crafting) and thinking with the spiritual approach. It is further shown that work is not necessarily a tool and can be considered an intrinsic goal in life. For this reason, contrary to the popular opinion among many thinkers, it can be considered not as an inherently undesirable and meaningful phenomenon, but as pleasant and forgiving. Thus, the line between working hours and leisure becomes very fluid. In other words, leisure should not be meant to be in front of work or even as a complement to it. Leisure is not a time of unemployment, but a condition conducive to doing important but lovable work without proper external control or purely economic motives, which he pursued voluntarily, passionately, and voluntarily. Of course, based on the level of work provided (job, profession, mission or inner voice), not all people can achieve this level of meaning of work and find or create their ideal work. In the end, it is discussed that according model of meritocracy.


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