Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD student in Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Shiraz University

2 Assistant Professor in Comparative Philosophy, Shiraz University


In this article, the view of contemporary Neo-Sadraists on the compatibility of the theory “Body composed of matter and form” with the theory “Body composed of parts” is studied. For this purpose, in the introduction, by pointing out that Greece is the origin of the issue of matter and form, and that Aristotle considers the body to be composed of matter and form, we express the view of Democritus, who considers the body to be composed of indivisible components. Further, we mention the views of Avicenna, Mulla Sadra, and Hadi Sabzevari, who refute the composition of the body from the parts, and then we will express the views of contemporary Neo-Sadraists such as Abdollah Javadi Amoli, Seyyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei, Morteza Motahhari and Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi in this regard and clarify the differences between their views and those of previous philosophers and then, as the opinions are summarized, we conclude the compatibility of the theory “Body composed of matter and form” with the theory “Body composed of parts” from the perspective of contemporary Neo-Sadraists. This article indicates the development of the issues related to matter and form in Islamic philosophy and its gradual evolution and the opening of new horizons in the analysis of issues and is considered a contemporary philosophical achievement.


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