Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant professor in Philosophy, pnu university Tehran, Iran


Husserl belived that “Ego” of “selfn is center of every act of cohsciousness specially cognition. According to his thought in every act of consciousness in the one hand Ego- pole and a on the other hand object- pole existed. Ego is self- identical subject that agent in every equal process of consciousness act. Therefore, is unique base of all act of awareness. Namely, is center of all influence and impressible, percepts, pleasure pain or every condition of extant on consciousness. but, in spite of Following of husserl, contrasted with Husserlian concept of Ego and criticized thus “self” that Husserl bring up and suppose it Transcendental, For Sartre, Ego not only organized by abstractly pre condition that modulated by transcendental subject but, Ego was out of transcendental affair on the real world and by his Freedom and free will trait that indicat of Existential Feature, it had transcendental. Nevertheless assonant by Husserl, belive that “intentionality” basis of every awarness act of “Ego”. We try on this research analysis Husserlian Ego and checked critique of Sartre on Husserl.


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