Document Type : Scientific-research
Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom, Shahed University, Iran
Husserl, corresponding to three levels of temporality, introduces three levels of time-consciousness in his works. These three levels of time-consciousness are the consciousness of the temporality of transcendent objects (objective time), the consciousness of the temporality of intentional acts and experiences (subjective time), and finally, the deepest level is what he calls consciousness of inner time or absolute consciousness. This third level is the continuous stream or flow of consciousness which in its streaming constitutes itself and other levels of temporality. Although this constituting flow is the deepest foundation of temporality, it is not temporal in the ordinary meaning of the term. That means despite being self-constituting and self-temporalizing it is not given in a higher level of time. Understanding the true meaning of this level of temporality, for long, has been a challenge for scholars. One of the attempts to interpret and demystify this layer of temporality is based on making a connection between this absolute flow of consciousness and a kind of implicit and minimal self-consciousness usually called pre-reflective self-consciousness. In this article besides explaining the three levels of temporality and time-consciousness, I have analyzed this view about the relationship between the third level of time-consciousness and pre-reflective self-consciousness and compared the ideas of scholars on the matter.