Document Type : Scientific-research


Assistant professor of Moral Philosophy, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences


Philosophy of industry is one of the important dimensions in philosophical discussions and the nodes of economic sciences with theological and philosophical discussions. Hakim Kashfi is also one of the philosophers whose reflection on his works can lead to the explanation of a philosophy, or better to say, the wisdom of the new industry. His definition of industry encompasses all type of creativity and, therefore, considers God the supreme manufacturer and the whole universe his factory. Kashfi's picture of the world and the role of industry in it is based on the metaphor of guest house. He sees the world as a guest home owned by God. Therefore, there must be some people who, through their work and service, give guests the opportunity to enter the realm of divine love. The meaning of work and industry / The ideal manufacturer from the perspective of Kashfi is the main question of the present article, the answer to which leads to the explanation of the theological aspects of industry and industry theory as theology. In this regard, working as a substitute for God, giving to oneself, and expecting the income from God are the three wise ways to discover a monotheistic industry and craftsman. The findings of the article indicate that the ethical view of Kashfi has much in common with some of the concerns of philosophers critical of capitalism; But he goes beyond them and looks at industry as a kind of practical theology.


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