Document Type : Scientific-research


PhD graduate of Kalam and Philosophy of Religion, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch


One of the main questions that philosophy has sought to answer is Personal Identity. Philosophical, sociological, and psychological thinkers have, throughout the history, always shown great interest in the history of Personal  identity question. Various human sciences have considered various aspects of this question. Since these aspects share some similarities, thinkers have been suggested that the nature of this question is philosophical. In other words, their responses that originate from various sciences show their agreement. This study presents the question of Personal  identity and aims to show that this question has a hermeneutic nature. It seeks to explain the question of Personal identity, the responses that some philosophers such as John Lock have come up with, and criticisms of late philosophers of mind. From a hermeneutic perspective, the personal identity is also approached yet in brief. Ricoeur who was a thinker with hermeneutic concerns analyzes the question of identity through hermeneutic. He seeks to come up with a suitable response to this question. The present study analyzes his ideas. This aims to suggest narrative identity as a suitable background. It is done through identifying an appropriate relationship between Personal  identity and narrative and through re-reading the criticisms to abstract responses to the question of Personal identity.


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