Document Type : Scientific-research


1 PhD Student of Transcendent Wisdom, University of Isfahan

2 Associate Professor of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan


The existence of pre-worldly worlds and the presence of man and his quality of life there is a point of contention among philosophers. In this article, by examining Mulla Sadra, who believes in the presence of man in such worlds, the existence and abstraction of the human soul in the previous life and the effects of this presence on his worldly life are explained. Sadra, citing the principle of correspondence between the arc of descent and ascension, states two types of existence and abstraction for man in the arc of descent, one is collectively perfect rational in the world of intellect and divine knowledge, and the other is an particular and Contingent abstraction. Presence in the previous worlds has effects on the worldly life of man, including the fact that the monotheistic nature that has emerged in the world of intellect through perfect rational abstraction  and the superior presence of the disabled in the actual cause is a capital for achieving happiness. Also, the covenant taken in the underworld for the people on the one hand and for the properties on the other hand, has accessories that if adhered to the covenant, will be the bedrock of divine guidance. The difference between human beings in the previous life, which is caused by the difference between the tints and their status, can be effective as one of the factors determining the behavior and goals of individuals along with other environmental and voluntary factors.


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