Document Type : Scientific-research


Ph.D. Graduated in Islamic Philosophy, Allameh Tabataba’ei University, Tehran, Iran,



According to the theory of "Hylomorphism", the structure of material objects is composed of two components, matter and form. "Avicenna" and "Kit Fine" believe in Hylomorphism. The main point of the article is to find out, what is Avicenna's response to contemporary Hylomorphism? This effort is focused on the form and has several stages; 1. The nature of the form, 2. The proof of the form, 3. The possibility of presenting a hierarchical structure of the metaphysics of objects. According to Fine, the form is an immaterial part and constituent of the object. In material objects with timeless components, form is a property or relationship between the material component of the object, and in objects with temporal components, form is a function of time on objects and maintains the survival of the object over time. Avicenna believes in at least two types of face; Physical form is an essence property common to all objects and at least one form is a type. Avicenna, like Fain, considers the form in composite objects to be a substantial and immaterial part, but according to him, the nature of the form is the same in all composite objects. Although Avicenna's argument to prove the form is different from Fine's, but according to Avicenna and Fine, essence property is constitution, and this constituent is the form. The most important proof of Avicenna's form must be reconstructed. Summary of the revised argument: essence means the constituent, and the constituent is the form. So Fine and Avicenna accept that a property that is essence is a constituent and vice versa, and the constituent is nothing but form. One of the advantages of Fine's theory is that material objects have a hierarchical structure, in Avicenna's philosophy, it is possible to present hierarchical structure of the metaphysics of objects


Main Subjects

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