Document Type : Scientific-research


communication sciences, Humanities, East Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran/Iran



The present article with the aim of interpretation and reviving the meaning of forgiveness is reading Ricoeur’s “Thereness” of forgiveness. Therefore, according to hermeneutical understanding, Being is interpreted as forgiveness and giveness and by using hermeneutics method and an ontological perspective, the findings of the research illustrated that the conditions of possibility in understanding is Being-in–the-world and projecting in the future possibilities. As well, I found that understanding as a possible Being-ness, is the possibility of forgiveness. According to this theoretical view and by using Ricoeur’s narrative structure we are going to answer to these main questions that how can forgiveness be possible as Being-ness and how human can understand his possibilities in the arena of “I can” and give meaning to them? In order to illustrate the manifestation of forgiveness in the world of the text and  showing how the “Thereness” of Dasein can be possible, we project ourselves in the narrative possibilities of Time of Love movie through re-figuration to achieve a reading of forgiveness and new understanding of ourselves. According to Ricoeur’s view as each interpretation is an understanding of ourselves through the other, by placing ourselves in the possibilities of the story’s hero and emphasizing on “I can”, we’ll pass our present self and enter to the arena of love and forgiveness; we’ll place “there”.  


Main Subjects

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