Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor; Iranian Institute of Philosophy



Among the interpretations of mental existence, only a few of them have ruled on the existential contradiction between the acquired knowledge and mental existence; Gholamreza Fayyazi’s view is the latest among them. One of the consequences of this recitation is the reconstruction of the representative apparition (al-shabaḥ al-muḥākī) theory and the substitution of representative correspondence (al-muṭābiqaẗ al-ḥikāyī) instead of substantive correspondence (al-muṭābiqaẗ al-māhawī) in the famous recitation. Fayyazi has argued on the ontological distinction between the acquired knowledge and mental existence in two ways:  the inner vision and the argument of correlation. This article has explained Fayyazi’s interpretation of the theory of mental existence in seven parts. The critical examination of this interpretation led to the conclusion that the theory of the unity of the knower and the known does not require that acquired knowledge be other than "mental form" from an ontological point of view; In addition, it was concluded that it is not correct to replace the representative correspondence instead of the substantive correspondence; because, it lacks the criteria necessary to explain the presentation and the correspondence between the mind and the object.  


Main Subjects

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