Document Type : Scientific-research


Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran


Abstract: The modern times approach is the same as Aristotle has written in the fourth book of physics: ((The 'now' is the link of time)). While Heidegger believes this understanding of time, puts the being as something present at hand for Manipulation, because the being is in now Discrete from the past and the future, and it seems that its totality is available for to be dominated. As a result of this process being is not able to revealing and uneventful world is embodied. However, in Heidegger's philosophy, something must have happened before thinking and acting in a genuine and meaningful way. But, Heidegger's suggestion for to get out of this problematic situation (uneventful world), is not the prescription of a struggle, but the abandonment of things to oneself as they are. Heidegger expresses this abandonment with the term "Gelassenheit". Some researchers from Heidegger's term "Gelassenheit" concluded some kind of inaction and numbness. However, in the present study, we will show that "Gelassenheit" is not space neutral and inaction arena, But also is itself involves activism, But at the time it belongs, The present time that is realm of past and future confluence, And Heidegger calls it the name "genuine moment", a determined moment that should be expected, And when it happened, identified the hidden event in it. The term "Gelassenheit" suggests a delayed process and thus, in the face of the objectification process in modernity.


Main Subjects

اباذری، یوسف (1377)، خردِ جامعه­شناسی، تهران: نشر طرح نو.
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