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عنوان مقاله [English]
theologia negationis: maimonides and st. thomas on religious language
چکیده [English]
G.Witt, William . (1387). theologia negationis: maimonides and st. thomas on religious language. فلسفه, 6(1), -.
G.Witt, William . "theologia negationis: maimonides and st. thomas on religious language", فلسفه, 6, 1, 1387, -.
G.Witt, William. (1387). 'theologia negationis: maimonides and st. thomas on religious language', فلسفه, 6(1), pp. -.
William G.Witt, "theologia negationis: maimonides and st. thomas on religious language," فلسفه, 6 1 (1387): -,
G.Witt, William. theologia negationis: maimonides and st. thomas on religious language. فلسفه, 1387; 6(1): -.