نوع مقاله : علمی -پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری فلسفه و کلام اسلامی، دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه شیراز، شیراز، ایران.

2 دانشیار گروه فلسفه و کلام اسلامی، دانشکده الهیات و معارف اسلامی، دانشگاه شیراز، شیراز، ایران.



نظریۀ کل­نگری برخلاف سایر نظریات، در فلسفۀ اسلامی و به‌ویژه حکمت متعالیه به‌نحو بایسته مورد توجه قرار نگرفته است. نظریات در باب چگونگی وجود کل یا مجموع به‌عنوان امری برگرفته از آحاد، در جهت تأیید یا رد وجود حقیقی آن، به‌طور ضمنی در خلال برخی مسایل پیش‌آمده در حکمت متعالیه و به مقتضای آنها، پذیرفتنی است. کاوش در این نظریات مرتبط، دو موضع متعارض از نظریۀ ملاصدرا دربارۀ وجود «کل» به دست می­دهد: برخی عبارات آشکارا بیانگر نفی وجود کل هستند و برخی دیگر به‌گونۀ ضمنی یا صریح بر وجود آن اذعان می‌کنند. نوشتار حاضر بر آن است تا با روش تحلیلی- انتقادی، پس از ملاحظۀ عبارات متعارض ملاصدرا در این خصوص، با التفات به مختصات اصل تشکیک وجود، دیدگاه او را نقد و نظریۀ کل‌نگری را امکان‌سنجی کند. حاصل پژوهش، بیانگر این است که اعتقاد به وجود کل، از لوازم بیّن اصل تشکیک وجود است. کثرت طولی و عرضی که با عنایت به سه مؤلفۀ اساسی اصل تشکیک وجود؛ یعنی وحدت، کثرت و عینیت آن دو قابل تبیین است، وجود حقیقی کل را امری مسلم و نفی آن و انحصار وجود کل را در وجود آحادش با مختصات تشکیک وجود، ناسازگار نشان می‌دهد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Examining the Effect of the Theory of Gradation of Being on the View of Totalism in Mulla Sadra's Thought

نویسندگان [English]

  • Maryam Abbasi kashkooli 1
  • AbodlAli Shokr 2

1 PhD Candidate, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

چکیده [English]

In contrast to other theories, the theory of holistic view has not been properly considered in Islamic philosophy, especially transcendental wisdom. The ideas about the existence of the whole or the total as something derived from individuals, in order to confirm or reject its real existence, are implicitly acceptable during some issues that arise in the Supreme Wisdom and according to their requirements. Exploring these related theories gives two conflicting positions of Mulla Sadra's theory about the being of the "whole": Some expressions clearly express the negation of the existence of the whole, Mulla Sadra, in the position of criticizing Ibn Sina's proofs of the falsification of sequence and Suhrodi's proof of necessity, which take the existence of the whole as the premise of their proof, and also proofs It runs away from the plateau that has been set up to prove the existence of the whole and emphasizes that nothing but unity exists outside, and multiplicity is not compatible with existence. and others implicitly or explicitly acknowledge its existence. some other expressions of Mulla Sadra, contrary to the above opinion, are in line with the acceptance of the external existence of the whole; That is, his expressions have provided a platform for description and interpretation dependent on the external existence of the whole, each of which is examined in detail.  The present article aims to use analytical-critical method, after considering Mulla Sadra's conflicting expressions in this regard, by paying attention to the coordinates of the principle of gradation of being, to criticize her point of view and to verify the theory of holism. The result of the research shows that the belief in the existence of the whole is one of the essentials of the principle of gradation of being. Longitudinal and latitudinal multiplicity that exists with regard to the three basic components of the principle of suspicion; That is, unity, multiplicity and objectivity of both can be explained, it shows the true existence of the whole as certain and its negation and the exclusivity of the existence of the whole in the existence of its individuals is incompatible with the coordinates of existence. The whole is a mental validity that is considered by differentiating and considering the plurality of people and not the plurality of gradation, and in this mental and epistemological consideration, ontological explanations, including gradation, do not interfere much. If someone believes in the originality of the essence or the difference of existence in the external objective truth or has a special doubt or special gradation, can credit all of them. This mental validity does not have an objective realization, and this is different from plurality or unity.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Gradation of Being
  • Principalty of Being
  • Total Existence
  • Mulla Sadra
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