• Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji Human Knowledge of Objects from John Locke and Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji’s Viewpoints [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-40]

  • Abraham. Isaac Comparison of the Narrative of the Sacrifice of Son by Abraham in Ibn ʿArabī's Mysticism and Kierkegaard's Existentialist Attitude [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 113-133]

  • Absolute (God) "The Metaphysics of Evil"; An Ontological Interpretation of the System of Freedom [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-125]

  • Absolute Idea Phenomenology, Critique of Skepticism and Justification of Monistic Ontology [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 51-71]

  • Absolute Substance Clarification of the Relation Between Unity and Multiplicity in Logic of Expression According to Deleuze’s Reading of Spinoza [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 17-34]

  • Abstractions Sadr al-Mutallahin's view on Human Abstraction in the Arc of Descent and its Effects on Worldly Life [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 169-187]

  • Accident A Critique of Proving the Substantial Movement by means of Subordination, Affair (Shaʾn) and Causality [(Articles in Press)]

  • Accidental Truth An Examination of the Attribution of Authenticity and Contingency to Essential and Accidental Truth [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 53-67]

  • Active intellect Whatness "Active Intellect" in Ibn Bajjah's Theory of Intellect [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 127-148]

  • Aesthetic Criticizing the Concept of Reason in Hegel's Philosophy Based on the Concepts of Desire and Negativity [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 207-226]

  • Aesthetic argument Aesthetics Arguments from the Perspective of C .S. Louis [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 61-78]

  • Aesthetics Epistemological Approaches of Theater in Aesthetic Justification of the Concept of Culture: A Comparative Study on the Concept of "Culture" in Nietzsche and Artaud [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 91-107]

  • Aesthetics The Meaning of “Interest” and its Ratio with the Beautiful According to Kant's View [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-20]

  • Al-Abhari Impossible Extensions and the Logic of the Concepts [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 163-184]

  • Alain Badiou Different Meanings of Subject in Alain Badiou's Philosophy [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-20]

  • Aletheia The Contrast Between the Concept of Hannah Arendt's Actor and Heideggerian Solipsistic Dasein [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 25-42]

  • Al-Khunaji Impossible Extensions and the Logic of the Concepts [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 163-184]

  • Allah The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Alpharabius A Study of the Nature of Language in Alpharabius’s Philosophy of Language [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 121-140]

  • Alter ego Analysis and Investigation of the Constitution of the Alter Ego in Husserl's Phenomenology [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 213-233]

  • Al-vahed rule Al-vahed Rule from the Pperspective of Thomas Aquinas and Mulla Sadra [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 221-241]

  • Analogy Participation in‌The philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 167-187]

  • Analytic Philosophy Analytical Thomists's viewpoints, especially Anthony Kenny's, on Thomas Aquinas's thought about Being: A Critical Study. [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-17]

  • Andy Egan Relativism of Values and De Se Attitudes [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 35-56]

  • Animal Interests A Critical Review of Peter Singer's Speciesism Argumentation on Animal Rights [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 19-35]

  • Anthony Kenny Analytical Thomists's viewpoints, especially Anthony Kenny's, on Thomas Aquinas's thought about Being: A Critical Study. [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-17]

  • Anthropological Tension Anthropological Tension: the Question of Human Essence and Metaphysics of Subjectivity in Kant [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-150]

  • Anthropology Reconceptualising Religion : A Philosophical Critique of Religious Studies as Cultural Studies [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 21-36]

  • Anthropology Fetrah in Ghazali's Thought, in Comparison with Avicenna's Works [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 107-125]

  • Anthropology Anthropological Tension: the Question of Human Essence and Metaphysics of Subjectivity in Kant [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-150]

  • Antinomies of pure reason Kant’s Response To Mathematical Antinomies [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 9-28]

  • Aporia Inquiry to Aporia in Definitional Conversations of Plato [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-16]

  • Application Gadamer's Original Notion of Understanding [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 5-26]

  • Aquinas Analyzing the Highest and Worst Moral Attributes from the Perspective of Aristotle, Aquinas, and Khajeh Nasir-al-Din Tusi. [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-103]

  • Arabic Metaphysics Metaphysics in the Islamic World and the Role of the Arabic Translations in Islamic Philosophy [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 75-94]

  • Architecture design Aristotelian Form in Morphogenetic Design (Origin of Form in Morphogenetic Design) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 171-188]

  • Aristotle Metaphysics in the Islamic World and the Role of the Arabic Translations in Islamic Philosophy [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 75-94]

  • Aristotle The Relation of Art and Ethics in Aristotle’s Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 75-93]

  • Aristotle Principles of Demonstration and the State of Nous: Knowledge of universals in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics II,19 [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 1-22]

  • Aristotle Analyzing the Highest and Worst Moral Attributes from the Perspective of Aristotle, Aquinas, and Khajeh Nasir-al-Din Tusi. [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-103]

  • Aristotle Energeia and Entelecheia: A Monadologic Approach to the Aristotelian Theory of Change [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 63-85]

  • Aristotle Aristotle; Philosophy and Unity of the Science System [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 89-110]

  • Aristotle Aristotelian Form in Morphogenetic Design (Origin of Form in Morphogenetic Design) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 171-188]

  • Aristotle The Necessity of Reality or Indeterminism Based on Aristotle's Temporal Approach to Modalities Based on the Ninth Chapter De Interpretatione [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-211]

  • Aristotle Bergson’s Footsteps in Heidegger’s Interpretation of Time [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 221-236]

  • Aristotle’s philosophy of art The Relation of Art and Ethics in Aristotle’s Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 75-93]

  • Art Aesthetics in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 137-162]

  • Art Origin of Art in Mullsadra’s Point of View [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 109-126]

  • Art The Ontological Status of Art and Technology in Heidegger’s Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 69-87]

  • Art The Evaluation of Art's Status as a Condition of Alain Badiou's philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-20]

  • Art The Importance of Rousseau's Recreation of Platonic Criticism of Art [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-19]

  • Art The Intersection of Religious Experience and Aesthetic Experience [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 219-238]

  • Artaud Epistemological Approaches of Theater in Aesthetic Justification of the Concept of Culture: A Comparative Study on the Concept of "Culture" in Nietzsche and Artaud [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 91-107]

  • Atheism Sartre’s Postulatory Atheism [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 49-86]

  • Atma Vedanta, Divine knowledge According to Hinduism [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 87-106]

  • Augustine A comparative study on the dialectic of faith and understanding in Hermeneutics of Rumi and Augustine to eliminate misunderstandings about the motto of “Credo ut intelligam” [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 39-59]

  • Augustine Augustine's three theories of desire and pleasure based on "Confessions" [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 251-267]

  • Aura Aura and Differential Singularity (Towards a Materialist Aesthetics) [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 235-250]

  • Austin A Meditation on Austin and Searle Taxonomies of Illocutionary Acts [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 39-56]

  • Authenticity An Examination of the Attribution of Authenticity and Contingency to Essential and Accidental Truth [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 53-67]

  • Authenticity The Importance of Rousseau's Recreation of Platonic Criticism of Art [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-19]

  • Authenticity of existence On the Notorious History of the Problem of Primacy of [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 105-120]

  • Authority The Classical and Historical Tradition in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 67-87]

  • Autonomous Will Autonomy and Moral Community in Kant’s Social Philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 35-53]

  • Averroes Commentary Metaphysics in the Islamic World and the Role of the Arabic Translations in Islamic Philosophy [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 75-94]

  • Avicenna A New Reading of the Place of Contingency in the Fifth Namat of Isharat [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 21-32]

  • Avicenna On the Notorious History of the Problem of Primacy of [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 105-120]

  • Avicenna The Implication of the Term“ Hū” for“ copulative being” in the Arabic language of the age of revelation: A logical-historical reading of Farabi and Avicenna's works [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 243-260]

  • Avicenna Avicenna on Philosophical Concepts: Primary or Secondary Intelligibles [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 23-42]

  • Avicenna The Role of Non-Acquired Factors in the Formation of Human Personal Identity from Avicenna''''s Point of View [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 239-260]

  • Avicenna Ḥakīm Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Lārī's Explanation of Avicenna's View on Motion An Analytical Introduction and the Editio Princeps of the Treatise on the Discussion of the Motion [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 59-82]

  • Avicenna Considerations about Form in Avicenna's Hylomorphism and Kite Fine's Hylomorphism [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 191-219]

  • Avicenna The Classification of Intelligibles According to Avicenna [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 79-102]

  • Awareness Afdal al-Dīn Kāshānī's Philosophy: An Innovative Project within the Islamic-Persian Philosophy [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 87-108]

  • Axel Honneth Axel Honneth and the Struggle for Recognition in the Sphere of Family: Challenges and Limitations [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 205-224]

  • Axiomatic System The Deductive Stystem of Stoic Logic [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-84]

  • Axioms of Connection Reichenbach and Transition from Synthetic a Priori to Relativized a Priori [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 147-167]

  • Axioms of Coordination Reichenbach and Transition from Synthetic a Priori to Relativized a Priori [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 147-167]


  • Baba Afdal Afdal al-Dīn Kāshānī's Philosophy: An Innovative Project within the Islamic-Persian Philosophy [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 87-108]

  • Baconian project Ideology as the Science of Ideas: A Ricouerian Encounter with “Destutt de Tracy and his Epistemological Project for a New Science” [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 203-223]

  • Bad Is Suffering Bad?” Derek Parfit and Nietzsche on Suffering [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 117-139]

  • Badiou The Evaluation of Art's Status as a Condition of Alain Badiou's philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-20]

  • Basing Relation A Defense of Interventionist Account of Basing Relation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 41-62]

  • Beautiful The Meaning of “Interest” and its Ratio with the Beautiful According to Kant's View [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-20]

  • Being Critic on the Interpretation of St.Tomas on Existentialism [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 37-58]

  • Being Analytical Thomists's viewpoints, especially Anthony Kenny's, on Thomas Aquinas's thought about Being: A Critical Study. [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-17]

  • Being Theory and practice in Heidegger's thought and an attempt to read it as intercultural philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 81-100]

  • Being An analysis of the ratio of modernity to the genesis of the uneventful world from the point of view of Heidegger's philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 45-60]

  • Being The Roots of Transition to Being as the Ground of Consciousness in Schelling [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 17-36]

  • Being Beauty and Its Relation to Form in Thomas Aquinas’s Philosophy [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-20]

  • Being The Structure of Freedom: System or Fugue? [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 41-51]

  • Being The Ontological Status of Art and Technology in Heidegger’s Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 69-87]

  • Being and Time Historicity and it's Relation to Fundamental Ontology in Heidegger's Being and Time [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 57-72]

  • Benjamin Aura and Differential Singularity (Towards a Materialist Aesthetics) [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 235-250]

  • Bergson Bergson’s Footsteps in Heidegger’s Interpretation of Time [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 221-236]

  • Bodily Origination Soul and Mental-Neurological Disorders (An Emergentist and Sadraian Explanation) [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 173-196]

  • Body and Soul Descartes’ Pineal Gland: The Seat of the Soul [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 19-38]

  • Body Composition Study of the Viewpoint of Contemporary Neo-Sadraists on the Compatibility of the Theory “Body Composed of Matter and Form” with the Theory “Body Composed of Parts” [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 133-152]

  • Body without Organs Deleuze: desiring machine and its components [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 97-115]

  • Brahma Vedanta, Divine knowledge According to Hinduism [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 87-106]


  • Cantor's proof Is the Law of Excluded Middle a negative condition for truth? [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 79-96]

  • Carl Schmitt The Political Theology and the Exception: Carl Schmitt and the Problem of Sovereignty [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 33-49]

  • Catharsis The birth of ethics from the tragedy Defense of the ethical interpretation of Aristotle’s katharsis [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 149-177]

  • Catharsis The Relation of Art and Ethics in Aristotle’s Philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 75-93]

  • Causality.&emsp A Critique of Proving the Substantial Movement by means of Subordination, Affair (Shaʾn) and Causality [(Articles in Press)]

  • Causal Relationship A Defense of Interventionist Account of Basing Relation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 41-62]

  • Change Prime Matter and the Explanation of Generation and Corruption in Aristotle’s Philosophy [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 54-83]

  • Choice Sartre’s Postulatory Atheism [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 49-86]

  • Christian Identity A Brief Consideration On The East-West Identity Of Our Today's World [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 83-102]

  • Christianity Justice in the Social Thought of Medieval Christian Philosophers [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 95-116]

  • Church Justice in the Social Thought of Medieval Christian Philosophers [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 95-116]

  • Civil Community Autonomy and Moral Community in Kant’s Social Philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 35-53]

  • Civilization and Culture Islamic philosophy and Mysticism and the Issue of the Development of Civilization and Culture [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 101-125]

  • Classical Logic Hajhosseini's Non-Truth-Functional Semantics [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 149-166]

  • Clearness The Highest Level of Clearness in Pierce’s Pragmatism [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 23-41]

  • Cognition Reflection and It,s Conceptual Evolution in Fichte,s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 97-115]

  • Cognitive Labor Division Insights from Social Epistemology for Thinking about the Demarcation Problem [(Articles in Press)]

  • Cognitive psychology Psychological hermeneutic of interpretation of Mulla Sadra's thoughts regarding the sleep issue and examining its philosophic foundations [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 87-105]

  • Collective Utter Intellect Rational Life Sadr al-Mutallahin's view on Human Abstraction in the Arc of Descent and its Effects on Worldly Life [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 169-187]

  • Common Language On the Relation of Language and Logic in Hegel’s Philosophy [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1-22]

  • Comparative Philosophy Zarathrustrian Mind: Some Comparative Reflections on the Philosophy of Zarathrustra [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 33-55]

  • Compatibility Study of the Viewpoint of Contemporary Neo-Sadraists on the Compatibility of the Theory “Body Composed of Matter and Form” with the Theory “Body Composed of Parts” [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 133-152]

  • Complicated Formulae Generalizing the Descriptive Definition (Rasm) and Resolving the Complicated Formulae Objection Refuting the Mental Existence [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-17]

  • Concealment A Reflection on the Difference between the Hermeneutical Approaches of Gadamer and Heidegger to the Problem of Finitude of Truth [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 43-65]

  • Concept of Religion Reconceptualising Religion : A Philosophical Critique of Religious Studies as Cultural Studies [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 21-36]

  • Conceptual Distinction The Problem of Distinction and the Twofold Meaning of Existence in Descartes [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 73-90]

  • Conceptual relativity On Boghossian's Objection on Putnam's Internal Realism [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 169-188]

  • Conditioning The Evaluation of Art's Status as a Condition of Alain Badiou's philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-20]

  • Consciousness of Inner Time Analyzing the Relationship between Time-Consciousness and Self-Consciousness in Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 37-54]

  • Consequence Argument The Conceptual Incompatibility of Free Will from the Perspective of Transcendental Wisdom [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 175-196]

  • Consolation of Philosophy The Relationship between Philosophy and Religion in Creation in Boethius's Thought Relying on the Theological Treatises and the Consolation of Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 261-280]

  • Constancy of the Change A Critical Study of “Constancy of the Change” in the Relationship Between the Constant and the Changing [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 43-58]

  • Constant-Changing Relation A Critical Study of “Constancy of the Change” in the Relationship Between the Constant and the Changing [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 43-58]

  • Constitution Analysis and Investigation of the Constitution of the Alter Ego in Husserl's Phenomenology [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 213-233]

  • Constructivism Rawls’ Constructivist Procedure [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 113-136]

  • Contemporary Neo-Sadraists Study of the Viewpoint of Contemporary Neo-Sadraists on the Compatibility of the Theory “Body Composed of Matter and Form” with the Theory “Body Composed of Parts” [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 133-152]

  • Context A Criticism of Theories of Meaning in Analytic Philosophy of Art [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 61-83]

  • Contextualism From Functionalism To Contextualism: Reconstructing Dialogue Between Dreyfus And Putnam [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 103-120]

  • Contextualism Relativism of Values and De Se Attitudes [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 35-56]

  • Copulative Being The Implication of the Term“ Hū” for“ copulative being” in the Arabic language of the age of revelation: A logical-historical reading of Farabi and Avicenna's works [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 243-260]

  • Correspondence Proposition's Being Truth-Bearers and Impossibility of Pointing out to an Inexistent: Solution of the Liar Paradox [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 189-205]

  • Cosmology Isma’ili Thesis on the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 65-76]

  • Creativity Critical investigation of the Razi’s critics to the creativity of the soul in the Ibn Sina’s view [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 57-73]

  • C .S. Lewis Aesthetics Arguments from the Perspective of C .S. Louis [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 61-78]

  • Culture Herder and Philosophy of Culture [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 133-151]

  • Culture Industry The Moral Function of Art in the Culture Industry Fight [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-15]

  • Cure The Cure for Passions According to Spinoza and George Eliot [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 17-33]


  • Darwin Aristotelian Form in Morphogenetic Design (Origin of Form in Morphogenetic Design) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 171-188]

  • Dasein Heidegger's Question about Meaning of Being and Genesis of Concept of Dasein [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 85-104]

  • Dasein The Contrast Between the Concept of Hannah Arendt's Actor and Heideggerian Solipsistic Dasein [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 25-42]

  • Daseinsanalysis Anthropological Tension: the Question of Human Essence and Metaphysics of Subjectivity in Kant [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-150]

  • David Lewis Relativism of Values and De Se Attitudes [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 35-56]

  • Debate Between Mattā and Al-Sīrāfī The Relationship Between Logic and Grammar from abū Nasr al-Farabi’s Point Of View [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 135-158]

  • Decision The Political Theology and the Exception: Carl Schmitt and the Problem of Sovereignty [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 33-49]

  • Deconstruction Derrida and Husserl : Suspension or Obedience [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 39-56]

  • Definition Inquiry to Aporia in Definitional Conversations of Plato [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-16]

  • Definition A Study of Ṭabāṭabāʼī’s Criticisms of Mūllā Ṣadrā’s View on “Limit Definition of an Object by Differentia” [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 73-90]

  • Definition of Art Goodman’s Aesthetics: Nominalistic or Non-nominalistic? Abstract [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 15-36]

  • De Interpretatione The Necessity of Reality or Indeterminism Based on Aristotle's Temporal Approach to Modalities Based on the Ninth Chapter De Interpretatione [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-211]

  • Deleuze Aura and Differential Singularity (Towards a Materialist Aesthetics) [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 235-250]

  • Deleuze Isotopic Conditions of Capitalism: The possibility of Revolution in the Schizophrenic Philosophy of Deleuze-Guattari [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-260]

  • De Mesel Four serious Challenges to Ethical Arguments [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 107-123]

  • Deontologism “Euthanasia in Reason-based Deontologism of Kant” [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 95-113]

  • Derivative Name The Relationship Between Utterances and Meanings From al-Farabi’s Point Of View Considering The Usage Of “Primitive” and “Derivative” Names In The Expressing Of Philosophical Meanings [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 107-129]

  • Derrida Derrida and Deconstructing Metaphor [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 71-86]

  • Derrida Différance [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 1-26]

  • Derrida Derrida and Husserl : Suspension or Obedience [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 39-56]

  • Derrida A Investigation on the Philosophical Foundations of the Concept of Hegemony: Laclau, Derrida and Possibility of the Discursive Formulations [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-16]

  • Descartes Feminist Interperatation Of Spionaz's Theory Of Mind [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 47-64]

  • Descartes Descartes’ Pineal Gland: The Seat of the Soul [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 19-38]

  • Descartes The Highest Level of Clearness in Pierce’s Pragmatism [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 23-41]

  • Descartes aestheticism A comparative of Aesthetics in Plato, And Descartes’ Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 67-83]

  • Descriptive Definition Generalizing the Descriptive Definition (Rasm) and Resolving the Complicated Formulae Objection Refuting the Mental Existence [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-17]

  • De Se Attitudes Relativism of Values and De Se Attitudes [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 35-56]

  • Desire Criticizing the Concept of Reason in Hegel's Philosophy Based on the Concepts of Desire and Negativity [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 207-226]

  • Desire Augustine's three theories of desire and pleasure based on "Confessions" [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 251-267]

  • Desire Isotopic Conditions of Capitalism: The possibility of Revolution in the Schizophrenic Philosophy of Deleuze-Guattari [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-260]

  • Developmental biology Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Biology : A Historical Review [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 77-91]

  • Devil The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Dialogue Study of Some Epistemological and Political Consequences of Rorty and Gadamer's Doctrines on Truth [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 91-106]

  • Differance Derrida and Husserl : Suspension or Obedience [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 39-56]

  • Dilthey Review and Comparative Study of Nietzsche's and Dilthey's Thinking in Relation to History [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 185-202]

  • Direction of Fit A Meditation on Austin and Searle Taxonomies of Illocutionary Acts [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 39-56]

  • Disagreement Insights from Social Epistemology for Thinking about the Demarcation Problem [(Articles in Press)]

  • Disclosure of the “Who” The Contrast Between the Concept of Hannah Arendt's Actor and Heideggerian Solipsistic Dasein [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 25-42]

  • Dispositional Contingency Preparatory Cause and Its Role in the Appearance of Material Beings [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 213-230]

  • Divine Agency Critique of Suhrawardi's Theory of God's Activity Based on the System of Rationalities in His Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 77-92]

  • Divine knowledge Critique of Suhrawardi's Theory of God's Activity Based on the System of Rationalities in His Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 77-92]

  • Donald Davidson The Will to Power and the Problem of its Interpretation [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 102-127]

  • Donald Davidson Davidson on principle of charity as the condition of possibility of interpretation [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Dworkin Critical Study of Western Natural Law Theories in the Last Stage of Its Revival in Postmodern Period [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 173-191]

  • Dynamis Energeia and Entelecheia: A Monadologic Approach to the Aristotelian Theory of Change [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 63-85]


  • East-West Problem A Brief Consideration On The East-West Identity Of Our Today's World [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 83-102]

  • Editing Critiques, Editing, and Epistemology of Testimony [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-14]

  • Edmund Husserl Analysis and Investigation of the Constitution of the Alter Ego in Husserl's Phenomenology [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 213-233]

  • Ego The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Einstein Reichenbach and Transition from Synthetic a Priori to Relativized a Priori [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 147-167]

  • Elements of ideology Ideology as the Science of Ideas: A Ricouerian Encounter with “Destutt de Tracy and his Epistemological Project for a New Science” [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 203-223]

  • Elenchus Inquiry to Aporia in Definitional Conversations of Plato [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-16]

  • Eliot The Cure for Passions According to Spinoza and George Eliot [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 17-33]

  • Emanation Al-vahed Rule from the Pperspective of Thomas Aquinas and Mulla Sadra [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 221-241]

  • Emergentism Soul and Mental-Neurological Disorders (An Emergentist and Sadraian Explanation) [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 173-196]

  • Emotions Zagzebski's Moral Theory: Exemplarist Virtue Theory [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 41-58]

  • End Spinoza’s Critiques of Anthropomorphism [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 73-89]

  • Energeia Energeia and Entelecheia: A Monadologic Approach to the Aristotelian Theory of Change [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 63-85]

  • Enowning Event The Structure of Freedom: System or Fugue? [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 41-51]

  • Entelecheia Energeia and Entelecheia: A Monadologic Approach to the Aristotelian Theory of Change [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 63-85]

  • Enthusiasm Explaining the Relationship Between the Consciousness of Material Beings and Their Perfectibility from Mulla Sadra’s View [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 105-125]

  • Envy Envy; Kierkegaard's Critique of the Age of Reflection [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 131-152]

  • Epistemic hexis Nous: Indemonstrable Knowledge And Aristotle's Epistemic Hexis (II) [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 101-114]

  • Epistemological Interpretation Personal Identity in Hume: An Epistemological Approach [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 21-37]

  • Epistemology Human Knowledge of Objects from John Locke and Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji’s Viewpoints [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-40]

  • Epistemology Aesthetics Arguments from the Perspective of C .S. Louis [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 61-78]

  • Epistemology Tracing Suhrawardi's Theory of the Immateriality of Imagination in the Works of Ibn Sina [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 15-36]

  • Erotic The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Essence Critic on the Interpretation of St.Tomas on Existentialism [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 37-58]

  • Essence Participation in‌The philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 167-187]

  • Estimation Ibn Sina on The Role of The Estimative Faculty in Action [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 37-60]

  • Eternity The Relationship between Philosophy and Religion in Creation in Boethius's Thought Relying on the Theological Treatises and the Consolation of Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 261-280]

  • Ethical implications Four serious Challenges to Ethical Arguments [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 107-123]

  • Ethical reasoning Four serious Challenges to Ethical Arguments [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 107-123]

  • Ethics Ecological Thought : Some New Implications Of Whitehead’s Philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 93-106]

  • Ethics “Euthanasia in Reason-based Deontologism of Kant” [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 95-113]

  • Ethics and Education Formulation of Ethics and Family Education in the Philosophy of Mencius [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-23]

  • Euthanasia “Euthanasia in Reason-based Deontologism of Kant” [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 95-113]

  • Euthyphro The Socratic Dialectical Method in definition of piety and Its Influence on The Fixation of Belief of Pierce [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 55-74]

  • Existence Jaspers’ Concept of Exsitenz [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 107-129]

  • Existence An Examination of the Attribution of Authenticity and Contingency to Essential and Accidental Truth [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 53-67]

  • Existence Participation in‌The philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 167-187]

  • Existence Ibn Sina's Original Demonstration in Proving the Necessary Existent [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 57-75]

  • Existentialism Critic on the Interpretation of St.Tomas on Existentialism [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 37-58]

  • Existentialism Analysis of Sartreian Critique on Husserl’s Transcendental Ego [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 153-170]

  • Existentialism Comparison of the Narrative of the Sacrifice of Son by Abraham in Ibn ʿArabī's Mysticism and Kierkegaard's Existentialist Attitude [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 113-133]

  • Experts Insights from Social Epistemology for Thinking about the Demarcation Problem [(Articles in Press)]

  • Explanationist interpretation Principles of Demonstration and the State of Nous: Knowledge of universals in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics II,19 [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 1-22]

  • Expression Goodman’s Aesthetics: Nominalistic or Non-nominalistic? Abstract [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 15-36]


  • Faculty of Desire The Meaning of “Interest” and its Ratio with the Beautiful According to Kant's View [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-20]

  • Faith A comparative study on the dialectic of faith and understanding in Hermeneutics of Rumi and Augustine to eliminate misunderstandings about the motto of “Credo ut intelligam” [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 39-59]

  • Family Institution Axel Honneth and the Struggle for Recognition in the Sphere of Family: Challenges and Limitations [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 205-224]

  • Farabi The Fate of the Incomplete Spirits from Farabi's Perspective [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 189-210]

  • Fear The birth of ethics from the tragedy Defense of the ethical interpretation of Aristotle’s katharsis [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 149-177]

  • Feminine The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Feminist Philosophy of Science Sandra Harding’s Scientific Pluralism and Its Inconsistencies [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 111-132]

  • Fetrah Fetrah in Ghazali's Thought, in Comparison with Avicenna's Works [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 107-125]

  • Fichte Reflection and It,s Conceptual Evolution in Fichte,s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 97-115]

  • Fichte Fichte's Conception of Natural Right and Hegel'sCritique [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 117-135]

  • Fidelity Different Meanings of Subject in Alain Badiou's Philosophy [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 1-20]

  • Finnis Critical Study of Western Natural Law Theories in the Last Stage of Its Revival in Postmodern Period [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 173-191]

  • First principles Nous: Indemonstrable Knowledge And Aristotle's Epistemic Hexis (II) [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 101-114]

  • Floating Signifier A Investigation on the Philosophical Foundations of the Concept of Hegemony: Laclau, Derrida and Possibility of the Discursive Formulations [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-16]

  • Flowing Now Ḥakīm Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Lārī's Explanation of Avicenna's View on Motion An Analytical Introduction and the Editio Princeps of the Treatise on the Discussion of the Motion [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 59-82]

  • Form Beyond Matter-Form contrast How Schiller Uses the Concept of Play to Go beyond this Contrast [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 57-80]

  • Form Prime Matter and the Explanation of Generation and Corruption in Aristotle’s Philosophy [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 54-83]

  • Form Beauty and Its Relation to Form in Thomas Aquinas’s Philosophy [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-20]

  • Form Study of the Viewpoint of Contemporary Neo-Sadraists on the Compatibility of the Theory “Body Composed of Matter and Form” with the Theory “Body Composed of Parts” [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 133-152]

  • Form Aristotelian Form in Morphogenetic Design (Origin of Form in Morphogenetic Design) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 171-188]

  • Form The Composition of Matter and Form According to the Peripatetic [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 159-172]

  • Form Considerations about Form in Avicenna's Hylomorphism and Kite Fine's Hylomorphism [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 191-219]

  • Formal Distinction The Problem of Distinction and the Twofold Meaning of Existence in Descartes [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 73-90]

  • Frankfurt school The Moral Function of Art in the Culture Industry Fight [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 1-15]

  • Freedom Jaspers’ Concept of Exsitenz [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 107-129]

  • Freedom Will and Action in Human Being [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 27-45]

  • Freedom Study of Some Epistemological and Political Consequences of Rorty and Gadamer's Doctrines on Truth [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 91-106]

  • Freedom Fichte's Conception of Natural Right and Hegel'sCritique [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 117-135]

  • Freedom Freedom as Ground of Cause and Reason in Heidegger's "Metaphysics of Dasein [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 67-85]

  • Frege Philosophical Thinking about Abstract Algebra [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 189-204]

  • From the Freedom as Ground of Cause and Reason in Heidegger's "Metaphysics of Dasein [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 67-85]

  • Fugue The Structure of Freedom: System or Fugue? [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 41-51]

  • Fuller Critical Study of Western Natural Law Theories in the Last Stage of Its Revival in Postmodern Period [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 173-191]

  • Functionalism From Functionalism To Contextualism: Reconstructing Dialogue Between Dreyfus And Putnam [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 103-120]


  • Gadamer Levels, Elements and Functions of the Hermeneutic Circle [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 107-125]

  • Gadamer Tradition The Classical and Historical Tradition in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 67-87]

  • Gelassenhei An analysis of the ratio of modernity to the genesis of the uneventful world from the point of view of Heidegger's philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 45-60]

  • General logic Is the Law of Excluded Middle a negative condition for truth? [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 79-96]

  • General Will Autonomy and Moral Community in Kant’s Social Philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 35-53]

  • Generation Prime Matter and the Explanation of Generation and Corruption in Aristotle’s Philosophy [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 54-83]

  • Gestell The Ontological Status of Art and Technology in Heidegger’s Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 69-87]

  • Ghazali Fetrah in Ghazali's Thought, in Comparison with Avicenna's Works [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 107-125]

  • Gilles Deleuze The Relation between Philosophy and Cinema A Research based on Gilles Deleuze’s Cinematic Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 21-40]

  • Good Is Suffering Bad?” Derek Parfit and Nietzsche on Suffering [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 117-139]

  • Gradation Relationship Between diversity and absolute unity in Philosophy and Mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 37-54]

  • Gradation of Being Examining the Effect of the Theory of Gradation of Being on the View of Totalism in Mulla Sadra's Thought [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 167-183]

  • Gradation of Existence Explain the Theory of the Mismatch of Mind and Object Based on the Principle of Existence [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 93-110]

  • Grade Two of Object Known by Essence Explanation of Distinguishing Knowledge from Mental Existence Based on Javadi-Amoli’s View [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 111-129]

  • Grammar The Relationship Between Logic and Grammar from abū Nasr al-Farabi’s Point Of View [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 135-158]

  • Grounded theory Meaning of Life in Death situation from Wittgenstein Point of View using Grounded Theory [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 95-111]

  • Guattari Isotopic Conditions of Capitalism: The possibility of Revolution in the Schizophrenic Philosophy of Deleuze-Guattari [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-260]


  • Happiness The Necessity of Teaching Philosophy to Acquire Happiness from the Perspective of Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 43-62]

  • Health Health and Illness from a Phenomenological Perspective [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 63-83]

  • Hegel Fichte's Conception of Natural Right and Hegel'sCritique [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 117-135]

  • Hegel Phenomenology, Critique of Skepticism and Justification of Monistic Ontology [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 51-71]

  • Hegel Criticizing the Concept of Reason in Hegel's Philosophy Based on the Concepts of Desire and Negativity [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 207-226]

  • Hegemony A Investigation on the Philosophical Foundations of the Concept of Hegemony: Laclau, Derrida and Possibility of the Discursive Formulations [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-16]

  • Heidegeer Levels, Elements and Functions of the Hermeneutic Circle [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 107-125]

  • Heidegger Theory and practice in Heidegger's thought and an attempt to read it as intercultural philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 81-100]

  • Heidegger Analysis of the mutual relation between deconstractional interpretation of Plato’s viewpoint of truth and history of truth in Heidegger [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 47-66]

  • Heidegger The Relation of Action and Narration in Heidegger [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 23-44]

  • Heidegger Freedom as Ground of Cause and Reason in Heidegger's "Metaphysics of Dasein [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 67-85]

  • Heidegger Heidegger's Question about Meaning of Being and Genesis of Concept of Dasein [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 85-104]

  • Heidegger Rereading Heidegger's Interpretation of Holderlin's Poetic Thought in the Light of Intention to Other [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 55-75]

  • Heidegger Anthropological Tension: the Question of Human Essence and Metaphysics of Subjectivity in Kant [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-150]

  • Heidegger Historicity and it's Relation to Fundamental Ontology in Heidegger's Being and Time [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 57-72]

  • Heidegger "The Metaphysics of Evil"; An Ontological Interpretation of the System of Freedom [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-125]

  • Heidegger Bergson’s Footsteps in Heidegger’s Interpretation of Time [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 221-236]

  • Herder Herder and Philosophy of Culture [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 133-151]

  • Hermeneutic phenomenology The Possibility of Comparative Philosophy According to En-owning [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 27-48]

  • Hermeneutic phenomenology Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Human Communication as Narration: Emphasizing on Opportunity’s Concept as Mythos [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-61]

  • Hermeneutics A comparative study on the dialectic of faith and understanding in Hermeneutics of Rumi and Augustine to eliminate misunderstandings about the motto of “Credo ut intelligam” [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 39-59]

  • Hermeneutics A Study on the Relation between the Notions of the Symbol and Metaphor in Ricoeur's Thought [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1-137]

  • Hermeneutics A Reflection on the Difference between the Hermeneutical Approaches of Gadamer and Heidegger to the Problem of Finitude of Truth [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 43-65]

  • Hilary Putnam On Boghossian's Objection on Putnam's Internal Realism [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 169-188]

  • Hilbert Philosophical Thinking about Abstract Algebra [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 189-204]

  • History of Sufism Sufism in the Western History : A Primary Outline [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 37-64]

  • Hodoud - [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2006]

  • Holderlin Rereading Heidegger's Interpretation of Holderlin's Poetic Thought in the Light of Intention to Other [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 55-75]

  • Human and Animal A Critical Review of Peter Singer's Speciesism Argumentation on Animal Rights [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 19-35]

  • Human Factors The Role of Non-Acquired Factors in the Formation of Human Personal Identity from Avicenna''''s Point of View [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 239-260]

  • Human Happiness Mulla Sadra's Opinion About the Head of Government and His Characteristics; Based on the Book of Origin and Resurrection [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 225-240]

  • Humanity Herder and Philosophy of Culture [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 133-151]

  • Human nature The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Hume Personal Identity in Hume: An Epistemological Approach [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 21-37]

  • Husserl Derrida and Husserl : Suspension or Obedience [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 39-56]

  • Husserl Is the Law of Excluded Middle a negative condition for truth? [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 79-96]

  • Husserl The Language and Logical Structure of Mind in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 155-174]

  • Husserl An Analysis Concerning the Meaning and Role of Reflection in the Triple Phases of Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 85-105]

  • Husserl Relationship between Being and Consciousness in Husserl’s Logical Investigation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 63-83]

  • Husserl Analysis of Sartreian Critique on Husserl’s Transcendental Ego [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 153-170]

  • Husserl Generalizing the Descriptive Definition (Rasm) and Resolving the Complicated Formulae Objection Refuting the Mental Existence [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-17]

  • Husserl Analyzing the Relationship between Time-Consciousness and Self-Consciousness in Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 37-54]

  • Hylomorphism Considerations about Form in Avicenna's Hylomorphism and Kite Fine's Hylomorphism [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 191-219]


  • Iblis The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Ibn Arabi Woman and beauty in Ibn Arabi's mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 1-13]

  • Ibn Arabi An Analysis of the Transcendental Philosophy Achievements on Shiite Ijtihad: the Case Study of Existential Unity [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 167-190]

  • Ibn Bajjah Whatness "Active Intellect" in Ibn Bajjah's Theory of Intellect [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 127-148]

  • Ibn Sina Critical investigation of the Razi’s critics to the creativity of the soul in the Ibn Sina’s view [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 57-73]

  • Ibn Sina Mirdamad's Theory on the External Being of Motion and Its Meanings [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 127-145]

  • Ibn Sina Ibn Sina's Original Demonstration in Proving the Necessary Existent [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 57-75]

  • Ibn Sina The Theory of the Reverse Process and its Application in Explaining the Way of Observing and Knowing About Occult Matters by Ibn Sina and Sheykh Eshraq [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 83-100]

  • Ibn Sina Ibn Sina on The Role of The Estimative Faculty in Action [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 37-60]

  • Ibn-Sina Impossible Extensions and the Logic of the Concepts [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 163-184]

  • Ibn-Sina Tracing Suhrawardi's Theory of the Immateriality of Imagination in the Works of Ibn Sina [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 15-36]

  • Ibn Sīnā Generalizing the Descriptive Definition (Rasm) and Resolving the Complicated Formulae Objection Refuting the Mental Existence [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 1-17]

  • Ibn ʿArabī' Comparison of the Narrative of the Sacrifice of Son by Abraham in Ibn ʿArabī's Mysticism and Kierkegaard's Existentialist Attitude [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 113-133]

  • Identity Adorno and Foucault’s Philosophical Encounters with Modernity: Designing Inter-Discursive Models [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 1-25]

  • Identity Schelling's Reading of the Problem of Pantheism Based on the Principle of “Identity” [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 193-211]

  • Identity Philosophy The Roots of Transition to Being as the Ground of Consciousness in Schelling [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 17-36]

  • Ideology The Influence of Hegel’s The Phenomenology of Spirit on Mannheim’s Sociology of Knowledge [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 89-103]

  • Ideology Axel Honneth and the Struggle for Recognition in the Sphere of Family: Challenges and Limitations [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 205-224]

  • Illocutionary Acts A Meditation on Austin and Searle Taxonomies of Illocutionary Acts [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 39-56]

  • Illocutionary Point A Meditation on Austin and Searle Taxonomies of Illocutionary Acts [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 39-56]

  • Illumination philosophy Issuance of plurality based on the Illumination Philosophy [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 175-197]

  • Imam Isma’ili Thesis on the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 65-76]

  • Immanency Clarification of the Relation Between Unity and Multiplicity in Logic of Expression According to Deleuze’s Reading of Spinoza [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 17-34]

  • Implication A Criticism of Theories of Meaning in Analytic Philosophy of Art [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 61-83]

  • Incommensurability - [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2004]

  • Incomplete Reflection An Analysis Concerning the Meaning and Role of Reflection in the Triple Phases of Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 85-105]

  • Incomplete Spirits The Fate of the Incomplete Spirits from Farabi's Perspective [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 189-210]

  • Indemonstrable knowledge Nous: Indemonstrable Knowledge And Aristotle's Epistemic Hexis (II) [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 101-114]

  • Indeterminism The Necessity of Reality or Indeterminism Based on Aristotle's Temporal Approach to Modalities Based on the Ninth Chapter De Interpretatione [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-211]

  • Indian philosophy Indian Philosophy of Mind: A Comparative Study [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-19]

  • Individual Goodman’s Aesthetics: Nominalistic or Non-nominalistic? Abstract [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 15-36]

  • Innatism - [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2002]

  • Instrumental Intrinsic Value: Towards A Pragmatic Theory [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 107-123]

  • Intellect Spinoza’s Critiques of Anthropomorphism [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 73-89]

  • Intentional Content Relationship between Being and Consciousness in Husserl’s Logical Investigation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 63-83]

  • Intention to the Other Rereading Heidegger's Interpretation of Holderlin's Poetic Thought in the Light of Intention to Other [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 55-75]

  • Interest The Meaning of “Interest” and its Ratio with the Beautiful According to Kant's View [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-20]

  • Internal realism On Boghossian's Objection on Putnam's Internal Realism [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 169-188]

  • Interpretation The Will to Power and the Problem of its Interpretation [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 102-127]

  • Interpretation Davidson on principle of charity as the condition of possibility of interpretation [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Interpretation Gadamer's Original Notion of Understanding [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 5-26]

  • Interpretation A Criticism of Theories of Meaning in Analytic Philosophy of Art [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 61-83]

  • Intrinsic Intrinsic Value: Towards A Pragmatic Theory [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 107-123]

  • Intuitionist interpretation Principles of Demonstration and the State of Nous: Knowledge of universals in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics II,19 [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 1-22]

  • Isharat and Tanbihat A New Reading of the Place of Contingency in the Fifth Namat of Isharat [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 21-32]

  • Islamic Philosophy On Nature of Pain and that is It Evil by Itself or by Accident? [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 23-38]

  • Islamic Philosophy Metaphysics in the Islamic World and the Role of the Arabic Translations in Islamic Philosophy [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 75-94]

  • Islamic philosophy and mysticism(Şufism) Islamic philosophy and Mysticism and the Issue of the Development of Civilization and Culture [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 101-125]

  • Ismailis Isma’ili Thesis on the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 65-76]

  • Isotopic conditions Isotopic Conditions of Capitalism: The possibility of Revolution in the Schizophrenic Philosophy of Deleuze-Guattari [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-260]


  • James The Truth and Reality in Peirce’s and James’s Pragmatism [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 127-145]

  • John Locke Human Knowledge of Objects from John Locke and Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji’s Viewpoints [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-40]

  • Judgment of Taste The Meaning of “Interest” and its Ratio with the Beautiful According to Kant's View [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-20]

  • Jürgen Habermas Habermas and the Other of Occidental Rationality: The Dichotomous Logic of Exclusive Inclusion [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 145-165]

  • Justice Justice in the Social Thought of Medieval Christian Philosophers [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 95-116]


  • Kant The Psychological Element in the Phenomenological Analysis of Human Subjectivity [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2007, Pages 125-144]

  • Kant The Assessment of Schopenhauer’s Criticism of Kant’s Analysis of Causality [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 47-66]

  • Kant Kant’s Response To Mathematical Antinomies [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 9-28]

  • Kant Autonomy and Moral Community in Kant’s Social Philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 35-53]

  • Kant Reflection and It,s Conceptual Evolution in Fichte,s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 97-115]

  • Kant “Euthanasia in Reason-based Deontologism of Kant” [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 95-113]

  • Kant Is the Law of Excluded Middle a negative condition for truth? [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 79-96]

  • Kant The Meaning of “Interest” and its Ratio with the Beautiful According to Kant's View [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-20]

  • Kant The Intersection of Religious Experience and Aesthetic Experience [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 219-238]

  • Kant Anthropological Tension: the Question of Human Essence and Metaphysics of Subjectivity in Kant [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-150]

  • Kashfi The Wisdom of Industry; A Study of Hakim Kashfi's Reflections In the Philosophy of Industry and Technology [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 77-94]

  • Keywoeds: Zarathrustra Zarathrustrian Mind: Some Comparative Reflections on the Philosophy of Zarathrustra [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 33-55]

  • Keywords:Aristotle The birth of ethics from the tragedy Defense of the ethical interpretation of Aristotle’s katharsis [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 149-177]

  • Keywords: beauty Aesthetics in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 137-162]

  • Keywords: Common Consciousness On the Relation of Language and Logic in Hegel’s Philosophy [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1-22]

  • Key Words: Destutt de Tracy Ideology as the Science of Ideas: A Ricouerian Encounter with “Destutt de Tracy and his Epistemological Project for a New Science” [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 203-223]

  • Keywords: morality Morality, Rationality and Impartiality [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 91-110]

  • Keywords: Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi The Necessity of Teaching Philosophy to Acquire Happiness from the Perspective of Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 43-62]

  • Keywords: Persian philosophy Priscianus of Lydia at the Sasanian Court: Solutionum ad Chosroem [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 21-31]

  • Keywords: phenomenology Invergency, and divergency and foudition analytic philosophy in husserl s phenomenology [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 27-53]

  • Key words: Pragmatic Maxim The Highest Level of Clearness in Pierce’s Pragmatism [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 23-41]

  • Keywords: principle of charity Davidson on principle of charity as the condition of possibility of interpretation [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012]

  • Key words: Razi Critical investigation of the Razi’s critics to the creativity of the soul in the Ibn Sina’s view [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 57-73]

  • Keywords: Sufism Love (Mohabba) in Sufism [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 57-63]

  • Keywords: Sufism The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Keywords: unity of apperception transcendental "I" Kant's Real Self [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 84-101]

  • Khajeh Nasir Analyzing the Highest and Worst Moral Attributes from the Perspective of Aristotle, Aquinas, and Khajeh Nasir-al-Din Tusi. [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-103]

  • Kierkegaard Comparison of the Narrative of the Sacrifice of Son by Abraham in Ibn ʿArabī's Mysticism and Kierkegaard's Existentialist Attitude [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 113-133]

  • Kite Fine Considerations about Form in Avicenna's Hylomorphism and Kite Fine's Hylomorphism [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 191-219]

  • Knowledge Gadamer's Original Notion of Understanding [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 5-26]

  • Knowledge The Definitions of “Philosophy” and “Philosopher” in Plato’s Phaedo [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 21-40]

  • Knowledge Revelation and Knowledge in Socratic-Platonic Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-102]

  • Knowledge Explanation of Distinguishing Knowledge from Mental Existence Based on Javadi-Amoli’s View [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 111-129]

  • Knowledge by Acquaintance On the Relation of Language and Logic in Hegel’s Philosophy [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1-22]

  • Knowledge to External World The Place of Intuition in Pcrie's Theory of Sensory Perception [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-21]


  • Laclau A Investigation on the Philosophical Foundations of the Concept of Hegemony: Laclau, Derrida and Possibility of the Discursive Formulations [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-16]

  • Language Invergency, and divergency and foudition analytic philosophy in husserl s phenomenology [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 27-53]

  • Language A Study on the Relation between the Notions of the Symbol and Metaphor in Ricoeur's Thought [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1-137]

  • Language The Language and Logical Structure of Mind in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 155-174]

  • Last stage of natural law revival Critical Study of Western Natural Law Theories in the Last Stage of Its Revival in Postmodern Period [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 173-191]

  • Law of excluded middle Is the Law of Excluded Middle a negative condition for truth? [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 79-96]

  • Layered and Graded Affection and Love Formulation of Ethics and Family Education in the Philosophy of Mencius [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-23]

  • Levels of Work A Philosophical Framework For The Meaning of Work [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 153-172]

  • Liability A Philosophical Examination of the Arguments against Criminalization of Mere Thought [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 125-144]

  • Liar Paradox Proposition's Being Truth-Bearers and Impossibility of Pointing out to an Inexistent: Solution of the Liar Paradox [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 189-205]

  • Logic On the Relation of Language and Logic in Hegel’s Philosophy [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1-22]

  • Logic The Language and Logical Structure of Mind in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 155-174]

  • Logic The Relationship Between Logic and Grammar from abū Nasr al-Farabi’s Point Of View [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 135-158]

  • Logical Investigation Relationship between Being and Consciousness in Husserl’s Logical Investigation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 63-83]

  • Logical Second Intelligibles Avicenna on Philosophical Concepts: Primary or Secondary Intelligibles [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 23-42]

  • Logicism Philosophical Thinking about Abstract Algebra [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 189-204]

  • Logos Inquiry to Aporia in Definitional Conversations of Plato [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 1-16]

  • Logos Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Human Communication as Narration: Emphasizing on Opportunity’s Concept as Mythos [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-61]

  • Love Love (Mohabba) in Sufism [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 57-63]

  • Love Woman and beauty in Ibn Arabi's mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 1-13]

  • Love Explaining the Relationship Between the Consciousness of Material Beings and Their Perfectibility from Mulla Sadra’s View [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 105-125]

  • Luck Argument The Conceptual Incompatibility of Free Will from the Perspective of Transcendental Wisdom [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 175-196]


  • Mallarme The Evaluation of Art's Status as a Condition of Alain Badiou's philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 1-20]

  • Man Whatness "Active Intellect" in Ibn Bajjah's Theory of Intellect [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 127-148]

  • Marcuse Criticizing the Concept of Reason in Hegel's Philosophy Based on the Concepts of Desire and Negativity [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 207-226]

  • Markus Terentius Varro The Relationship Between Logic and Grammar from abū Nasr al-Farabi’s Point Of View [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 135-158]

  • Martin Heidegger Examining the Feasibility of Localization in Humanities from the Perspective of Fundamental Ontology [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 87-112]

  • Masculine The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Master Signifier A Investigation on the Philosophical Foundations of the Concept of Hegemony: Laclau, Derrida and Possibility of the Discursive Formulations [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-16]

  • Matching the mind and the Outside Explain the Theory of the Mismatch of Mind and Object Based on the Principle of Existence [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 93-110]

  • Material Intellect Unified Composition of Form and Matter and the Problem of Unity of Intellect and object of intellection [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 57-77]

  • Materialism Indian Philosophy of Mind: A Comparative Study [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-19]

  • Materialist Aesthetics Aura and Differential Singularity (Towards a Materialist Aesthetics) [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 235-250]

  • Mathematical Antinomies Kant’s Response To Mathematical Antinomies [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 9-28]

  • Maya Vedanta, Divine knowledge According to Hinduism [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 87-106]

  • Meaning - [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2004]

  • Meaning Analyzing of Wittgenstein's critique of Augustine's the picture theory of Language [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 45-65]

  • Meaning of life in Death Situation Meaning of Life in Death situation from Wittgenstein Point of View using Grounded Theory [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 95-111]

  • Meaning of Work A Philosophical Framework For The Meaning of Work [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 153-172]

  • Medial Motion Mirdamad's Theory on the External Being of Motion and Its Meanings [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 127-145]

  • Medicine Health and Illness from a Phenomenological Perspective [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 63-83]

  • Medieval Justice in the Social Thought of Medieval Christian Philosophers [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 95-116]

  • Mencius' A hermeneutic analysis of Mencius' philosophizing about politics [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mental Picture Explanation of Distinguishing Knowledge from Mental Existence Based on Javadi-Amoli’s View [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 111-129]

  • Mere thought A Philosophical Examination of the Arguments against Criminalization of Mere Thought [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 125-144]

  • Metaphor Derrida and Deconstructing Metaphor [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 71-86]

  • Metaphor A Study on the Relation between the Notions of the Symbol and Metaphor in Ricoeur's Thought [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1-137]

  • Metaphor The Analysis of the Relation between Understanding, Metaphor, Narration and Action in Ricoeur's Thought [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 21-40]

  • Metaphysical Truth Ibn Sina's Original Demonstration in Proving the Necessary Existent [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 57-75]

  • Metaphysics Derrida and Deconstructing Metaphor [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 71-86]

  • Metaphysics Metaphysics in the Islamic World and the Role of the Arabic Translations in Islamic Philosophy [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 75-94]

  • Metaphysics Heidegger's Question about Meaning of Being and Genesis of Concept of Dasein [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 85-104]

  • Metaphysics Dazein Freedom as Ground of Cause and Reason in Heidegger's "Metaphysics of Dasein [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 67-85]

  • Metaphysics of evil "The Metaphysics of Evil"; An Ontological Interpretation of the System of Freedom [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-125]

  • Metaphysics of Subjectivity Anthropological Tension: the Question of Human Essence and Metaphysics of Subjectivity in Kant [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 133-150]

  • Methodology of Science Reichenbach and Transition from Synthetic a Priori to Relativized a Priori [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 147-167]

  • Mimesis The birth of ethics from the tragedy Defense of the ethical interpretation of Aristotle’s katharsis [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 149-177]

  • Mind Zarathrustrian Mind: Some Comparative Reflections on the Philosophy of Zarathrustra [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 33-55]

  • Mind Feminist Interperatation Of Spionaz's Theory Of Mind [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 47-64]

  • Mind From Functionalism To Contextualism: Reconstructing Dialogue Between Dreyfus And Putnam [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 103-120]

  • Mind Descartes’ Pineal Gland: The Seat of the Soul [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 19-38]

  • Mind The Language and Logical Structure of Mind in Husserl’s Phenomenology [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 155-174]

  • Mind Soul and Mental-Neurological Disorders (An Emergentist and Sadraian Explanation) [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 173-196]

  • Mirdamad Mirdamad's Theory on the External Being of Motion and Its Meanings [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 127-145]

  • Mir Damad On the Notorious History of the Problem of Primacy of [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 105-120]

  • Modal Distinction The Problem of Distinction and the Twofold Meaning of Existence in Descartes [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 73-90]

  • Modalities The Necessity of Reality or Indeterminism Based on Aristotle's Temporal Approach to Modalities Based on the Ninth Chapter De Interpretatione [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 189-211]

  • Moderation The birth of ethics from the tragedy Defense of the ethical interpretation of Aristotle’s katharsis [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 149-177]

  • Modernity Adorno and Foucault’s Philosophical Encounters with Modernity: Designing Inter-Discursive Models [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 1-25]

  • Modernity An analysis of the ratio of modernity to the genesis of the uneventful world from the point of view of Heidegger's philosophy [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 45-60]

  • Modernity Islamic philosophy and Mysticism and the Issue of the Development of Civilization and Culture [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 101-125]

  • Modists The Relationship Between Logic and Grammar from abū Nasr al-Farabi’s Point Of View [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 135-158]

  • Molecular biology Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Biology : A Historical Review [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 77-91]

  • Mondernity A Brief Consideration On The East-West Identity Of Our Today's World [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 83-102]

  • Moral Community Autonomy and Moral Community in Kant’s Social Philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 35-53]

  • Moral-Educational Rules and System Formulation of Ethics and Family Education in the Philosophy of Mencius [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-23]

  • Moral features division Dependent and Independent Virtues and Vices; A New Division and Definition in Ethics [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 59-78]

  • Moral Justification Morality, Rationality and Impartiality [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 91-110]

  • Moral Relativism Relativism of Values and De Se Attitudes [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 35-56]

  • Morphogenesis Aristotelian Form in Morphogenetic Design (Origin of Form in Morphogenetic Design) [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 171-188]

  • Movement Mirdamad's Theory on the External Being of Motion and Its Meanings [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 127-145]

  • Movement-Image The Relation between Philosophy and Cinema A Research based on Gilles Deleuze’s Cinematic Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 21-40]

  • Mulla sadra Priority of Cognitive Processes over Language Production From Mulla Sadra’s Point of View [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 55-71]

  • Mulla sadra Unified Composition of Form and Matter and the Problem of Unity of Intellect and object of intellection [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 57-77]

  • Mulla sadra An Examination of the Attribution of Authenticity and Contingency to Essential and Accidental Truth [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 53-67]

  • Mulla sadra Psychological hermeneutic of interpretation of Mulla Sadra's thoughts regarding the sleep issue and examining its philosophic foundations [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 87-105]

  • Mulla sadra Explaining the Relationship Between the Consciousness of Material Beings and Their Perfectibility from Mulla Sadra’s View [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 105-125]

  • Mulla sadra Al-vahed Rule from the Pperspective of Thomas Aquinas and Mulla Sadra [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 221-241]

  • Mulla sadra Sadr al-Mutallahin's view on Human Abstraction in the Arc of Descent and its Effects on Worldly Life [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 169-187]

  • Mulla sadra Examining the Effect of the Theory of Gradation of Being on the View of Totalism in Mulla Sadra's Thought [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 167-183]

  • Mulla sadra An Analysis of the Transcendental Philosophy Achievements on Shiite Ijtihad: the Case Study of Existential Unity [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 167-190]

  • Mullasadra Origin of Art in Mullsadra’s Point of View [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 109-126]

  • Mūllā Ṣadrā A Study of Ṭabāṭabāʼī’s Criticisms of Mūllā Ṣadrā’s View on “Limit Definition of an Object by Differentia” [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 73-90]

  • Mulla Sadrai Mulla Sadra's Opinion About the Head of Government and His Characteristics; Based on the Book of Origin and Resurrection [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 225-240]

  • Multiplicity Relationship Between diversity and absolute unity in Philosophy and Mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 37-54]

  • Multiplicity Clarification of the Relation Between Unity and Multiplicity in Logic of Expression According to Deleuze’s Reading of Spinoza [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 17-34]

  • Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Lārī Ḥakīm Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Lārī's Explanation of Avicenna's View on Motion An Analytical Introduction and the Editio Princeps of the Treatise on the Discussion of the Motion [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 59-82]

  • Mysticism - [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2004]

  • Mysticism Sufism in the Western History : A Primary Outline [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 37-64]

  • Mysticism Relationship Between diversity and absolute unity in Philosophy and Mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 37-54]

  • Mythos Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Human Communication as Narration: Emphasizing on Opportunity’s Concept as Mythos [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-61]


  • Napoleon Ideology as the Science of Ideas: A Ricouerian Encounter with “Destutt de Tracy and his Epistemological Project for a New Science” [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 203-223]

  • Narration The Relation of Action and Narration in Heidegger [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 23-44]

  • Narration Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Human Communication as Narration: Emphasizing on Opportunity’s Concept as Mythos [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-61]

  • Narration The Analysis of the Relation between Understanding, Metaphor, Narration and Action in Ricoeur's Thought [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 21-40]

  • Narrative One Approach to The Question of Personal Identity: Re-reading Narrative Identity [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 151-167]

  • Narrative Identity One Approach to The Question of Personal Identity: Re-reading Narrative Identity [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 151-167]

  • Natural Cause Preparatory Cause and Its Role in the Appearance of Material Beings [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 213-230]

  • Naturalism Engineering Normativity in Quine's Epistemology [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 197-218]

  • Naturalized Epistemology Engineering Normativity in Quine's Epistemology [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 197-218]

  • Natural Law Critical Study of Western Natural Law Theories in the Last Stage of Its Revival in Postmodern Period [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 173-191]

  • Natural-Psychological Reflection An Analysis Concerning the Meaning and Role of Reflection in the Triple Phases of Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 85-105]

  • Nature of Language A Study of the Nature of Language in Alpharabius’s Philosophy of Language [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 121-140]

  • Necessary Existent Ibn Sina's Original Demonstration in Proving the Necessary Existent [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 57-75]

  • Negative Philosophy The Roots of Transition to Being as the Ground of Consciousness in Schelling [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 17-36]

  • Neurological-mental Disorders Soul and Mental-Neurological Disorders (An Emergentist and Sadraian Explanation) [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 173-196]

  • Nietzsche Epistemological Approaches of Theater in Aesthetic Justification of the Concept of Culture: A Comparative Study on the Concept of "Culture" in Nietzsche and Artaud [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 91-107]

  • Nietzsche Review and Comparative Study of Nietzsche's and Dilthey's Thinking in Relation to History [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 185-202]

  • Nominal essence Human Knowledge of Objects from John Locke and Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji’s Viewpoints [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-40]

  • Nominalism Goodman’s Aesthetics: Nominalistic or Non-nominalistic? Abstract [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 15-36]

  • Non-Acquired Factors The Role of Non-Acquired Factors in the Formation of Human Personal Identity from Avicenna''''s Point of View [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 239-260]

  • Normative Engineering Engineering Normativity in Quine's Epistemology [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 197-218]

  • Normativity Engineering Normativity in Quine's Epistemology [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 197-218]

  • Nous Nous: Indemonstrable Knowledge And Aristotle's Epistemic Hexis [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 29-46]

  • Nous Nous: Indemonstrable Knowledge And Aristotle's Epistemic Hexis (II) [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 101-114]

  • Nous Principles of Demonstration and the State of Nous: Knowledge of universals in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics II,19 [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 1-22]

  • Numerical unity Dunsccuts and the problem of Individuation [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 5-22]


  • Objective Intrinsic Value: Towards A Pragmatic Theory [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 107-123]

  • Objectivism On Boghossian's Objection on Putnam's Internal Realism [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 169-188]

  • Objectivity of Meaning Relationship between Being and Consciousness in Husserl’s Logical Investigation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 63-83]

  • Observing Occult Matters The Theory of the Reverse Process and its Application in Explaining the Way of Observing and Knowing About Occult Matters by Ibn Sina and Sheykh Eshraq [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 83-100]

  • Occidental Rationality Habermas and the Other of Occidental Rationality: The Dichotomous Logic of Exclusive Inclusion [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 145-165]

  • Oedipus complex Deleuze: desiring machine and its components [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 97-115]

  • Ontology Analytical Thomists's viewpoints, especially Anthony Kenny's, on Thomas Aquinas's thought about Being: A Critical Study. [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-17]

  • Ontology The Problem of Generality of “object in general”: A Consideration on The idea of a transcendental logic [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 105-128]

  • Ontology Aesthetics Arguments from the Perspective of C .S. Louis [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 61-78]

  • Ontology of Image The Relation between Philosophy and Cinema A Research based on Gilles Deleuze’s Cinematic Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 21-40]

  • Opportunity Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Human Communication as Narration: Emphasizing on Opportunity’s Concept as Mythos [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 41-61]

  • Originality of Existence Explain the Theory of the Mismatch of Mind and Object Based on the Principle of Existence [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 93-110]

  • Original Sin Augustine's three theories of desire and pleasure based on "Confessions" [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 251-267]

  • Origin of Art Origin of Art in Mullsadra’s Point of View [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 109-126]

  • Origin of Beauty The Origin of Beauty in Rumi Viewpoint [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 123-142]

  • Origin of Enjoying the Masterpieces of Art The Origin of Beauty in Rumi Viewpoint [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 123-142]

  • Otherness Epistemological Critique of the Simplicity and Otherness in the Existence [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 115-126]

  • Otto Phenomenology of Religion : A Systematic Approach [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-19]

  • Overlapping Consensus Rawls’ Constructivist Procedure [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 113-136]


  • Pain On Nature of Pain and that is It Evil by Itself or by Accident? [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 23-38]

  • Pain The Cure for Passions According to Spinoza and George Eliot [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 17-33]

  • Pantheism Schelling's Reading of the Problem of Pantheism Based on the Principle of “Identity” [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 193-211]

  • Paradigm Truth and Justification [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 137-174]

  • Paradox A Critical Study of “Constancy of the Change” in the Relationship Between the Constant and the Changing [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 43-58]

  • Paranoia Deleuze: desiring machine and its components [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 97-115]

  • Path Love (Mohabba) in Sufism [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 57-63]

  • Paul Boghossian On Boghossian's Objection on Putnam's Internal Realism [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 169-188]

  • Paul Ricoeur The Constitutional Role of Imagination in History in Paul Ricoeurˊs Hermeneutics [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 117-132]

  • Paul Ricouer Ideology as the Science of Ideas: A Ricouerian Encounter with “Destutt de Tracy and his Epistemological Project for a New Science” [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 203-223]

  • Peirce Peirce's Semiotics in the light of His philosophy, Epistemology and His Vision of pragmatism [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 5-37]

  • Peirce The Socratic Dialectical Method in definition of piety and Its Influence on The Fixation of Belief of Pierce [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 55-74]

  • Perception The Assessment of Schopenhauer’s Criticism of Kant’s Analysis of Causality [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 47-66]

  • Perception A comparative of Aesthetics in Plato, And Descartes’ Philosophy [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 67-83]

  • Perceptions Explain the Theory of the Mismatch of Mind and Object Based on the Principle of Existence [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 93-110]

  • Perceptual Acceptance The Place of Intuition in Pcrie's Theory of Sensory Perception [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-21]

  • Perfectibility Explaining the Relationship Between the Consciousness of Material Beings and Their Perfectibility from Mulla Sadra’s View [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 105-125]

  • Peripatetic method - [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2004]

  • Peripatetic philosophy - [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2004]

  • Persian philosophy Zarathrustrian Mind: Some Comparative Reflections on the Philosophy of Zarathrustra [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 33-55]

  • Persian Prose Afdal al-Dīn Kāshānī's Philosophy: An Innovative Project within the Islamic-Persian Philosophy [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 87-108]

  • Personal Identity The Role of Non-Acquired Factors in the Formation of Human Personal Identity from Avicenna''''s Point of View [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 239-260]

  • Personal Identity Personal Identity in Hume: An Epistemological Approach [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 21-37]

  • Personal Identity One Approach to The Question of Personal Identity: Re-reading Narrative Identity [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 151-167]

  • Peter Singer A Critical Review of Peter Singer's Speciesism Argumentation on Animal Rights [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 19-35]

  • Phaedo The Definitions of “Philosophy” and “Philosopher” in Plato’s Phaedo [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 21-40]

  • Phantasm of representative Human Knowledge of Objects from John Locke and Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji’s Viewpoints [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-40]

  • Phenomenological Reflection An Analysis Concerning the Meaning and Role of Reflection in the Triple Phases of Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 85-105]

  • Philippa Foot The objectivity of moral concepts and judgments in Philippa Foot’s Theory: Different interpretations of the Theory of Natural Goodness and its Problems [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 127-150]

  • Philosophical Foundations Mulla Sadra's Opinion About the Head of Government and His Characteristics; Based on the Book of Origin and Resurrection [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 225-240]

  • Philosophical Second Intelligibles Avicenna on Philosophical Concepts: Primary or Secondary Intelligibles [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 23-42]

  • Philosophical System Beauty and Its Relation to Form in Thomas Aquinas’s Philosophy [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-20]

  • Philosophy and Religion The Shift in Habermas's Philosophical Thought on the Role of Religion in the Public Sphere [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 21-38]

  • Philosophy of Cinema The Relation between Philosophy and Cinema A Research based on Gilles Deleuze’s Cinematic Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 21-40]

  • Philosophy of History A Brief Consideration On The East-West Identity Of Our Today's World [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 83-102]

  • Philosophy of Industry The Wisdom of Industry; A Study of Hakim Kashfi's Reflections In the Philosophy of Industry and Technology [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 77-94]

  • Philosophy of Life Review and Comparative Study of Nietzsche's and Dilthey's Thinking in Relation to History [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 185-202]

  • Philosophy of Mencius Formulation of Ethics and Family Education in the Philosophy of Mencius [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-23]

  • Philosophy of religion Reconceptualising Religion : A Philosophical Critique of Religious Studies as Cultural Studies [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 21-36]

  • Philosophy of religion On Nature of Pain and that is It Evil by Itself or by Accident? [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 23-38]

  • Philosophy of science Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Biology : A Historical Review [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 77-91]

  • Physical resurrection Explain the Theory of the Mismatch of Mind and Object Based on the Principle of Existence [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 93-110]

  • Physis Energeia and Entelecheia: A Monadologic Approach to the Aristotelian Theory of Change [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 63-85]

  • Picture theory of language Analyzing of Wittgenstein's critique of Augustine's the picture theory of Language [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 45-65]

  • Pierce The Highest Level of Clearness in Pierce’s Pragmatism [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 23-41]

  • Pierce The Truth and Reality in Peirce’s and James’s Pragmatism [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 127-145]

  • Pineal Gland Descartes’ Pineal Gland: The Seat of the Soul [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 19-38]

  • Plato The Definitions of “Philosophy” and “Philosopher” in Plato’s Phaedo [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 21-40]

  • Plato Plato on Punishment Ehsan Poshtmashhadi [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 1-20]

  • Plato Revelation and Knowledge in Socratic-Platonic Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-102]

  • Plato Analysis of the mutual relation between deconstractional interpretation of Plato’s viewpoint of truth and history of truth in Heidegger [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 47-66]

  • Plato The Importance of Rousseau's Recreation of Platonic Criticism of Art [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-19]

  • Pleasure Is Suffering Bad?” Derek Parfit and Nietzsche on Suffering [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 117-139]

  • Pleasure Augustine's three theories of desire and pleasure based on "Confessions" [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 251-267]

  • Poetic Thinking Rereading Heidegger's Interpretation of Holderlin's Poetic Thought in the Light of Intention to Other [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 55-75]

  • Poetry The Structure of Freedom: System or Fugue? [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 41-51]

  • Poiesis The Ontological Status of Art and Technology in Heidegger’s Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 69-87]

  • Postmodern Epistemology Sandra Harding’s Scientific Pluralism and Its Inconsistencies [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 111-132]

  • Pragmatism Intrinsic Value: Towards A Pragmatic Theory [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 107-123]

  • Pragmatism Truth and Justification [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 137-174]

  • Pragmatism Peirce's Semiotics in the light of His philosophy, Epistemology and His Vision of pragmatism [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 5-37]

  • Pragmatism The Socratic Dialectical Method in definition of piety and Its Influence on The Fixation of Belief of Pierce [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 55-74]

  • Pragmatism The Highest Level of Clearness in Pierce’s Pragmatism [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 23-41]

  • Praxis Theory and practice in Heidegger's thought and an attempt to read it as intercultural philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 81-100]

  • Praxis The Contrast Between the Concept of Hannah Arendt's Actor and Heideggerian Solipsistic Dasein [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 25-42]

  • Prejudice Horizon of Understanding in the Mirror of Understanding of Horizon [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 59-86]

  • Prejudice Levels, Elements and Functions of the Hermeneutic Circle [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 107-125]

  • Preparator Preparatory Cause and Its Role in the Appearance of Material Beings [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 213-230]

  • Preparatory Cause Preparatory Cause and Its Role in the Appearance of Material Beings [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 213-230]

  • Pre-reflective Self-consciousness Analyzing the Relationship between Time-Consciousness and Self-Consciousness in Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 37-54]

  • Price The Place of Intuition in Pcrie's Theory of Sensory Perception [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-21]

  • Prima Facie Justification The Place of Intuition in Pcrie's Theory of Sensory Perception [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-21]

  • Primary Intelligibles Avicenna on Philosophical Concepts: Primary or Secondary Intelligibles [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 23-42]

  • Prime Object Known by Essence Explanation of Distinguishing Knowledge from Mental Existence Based on Javadi-Amoli’s View [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 111-129]

  • Primitive Name The Relationship Between Utterances and Meanings From al-Farabi’s Point Of View Considering The Usage Of “Primitive” and “Derivative” Names In The Expressing Of Philosophical Meanings [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 107-129]

  • Principalty of Being Examining the Effect of the Theory of Gradation of Being on the View of Totalism in Mulla Sadra's Thought [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 167-183]

  • Priscianus Caesariensis The Relationship Between Logic and Grammar from abū Nasr al-Farabi’s Point Of View [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 135-158]

  • Priscianus of Lydia Priscianus of Lydia at the Sasanian Court: Solutionum ad Chosroem [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 21-31]

  • Private and Public Life Axel Honneth and the Struggle for Recognition in the Sphere of Family: Challenges and Limitations [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 205-224]

  • Process of Language A Study of the Nature of Language in Alpharabius’s Philosophy of Language [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 121-140]

  • Proposition Proposition's Being Truth-Bearers and Impossibility of Pointing out to an Inexistent: Solution of the Liar Paradox [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 189-205]

  • Punishment Plato on Punishment Ehsan Poshtmashhadi [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 1-20]

  • Pythagoras The Origin of Beauty in Rumi Viewpoint [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 123-142]


  • Quality The Meaning of “Interest” and its Ratio with the Beautiful According to Kant's View [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 1-20]

  • Quentin Skinner On Anachronism in the Historiography of Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 103-122]

  • Quran The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]


  • Rational faculty - [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2002]

  • Rationality Morality, Rationality and Impartiality [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 91-110]

  • Rational perception - [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2002]

  • Real Distinction The Problem of Distinction and the Twofold Meaning of Existence in Descartes [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 73-90]

  • Real Distinction of Attributes Clarification of the Relation Between Unity and Multiplicity in Logic of Expression According to Deleuze’s Reading of Spinoza [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 17-34]

  • Reality The Constitutional Role of Imagination in History in Paul Ricoeurˊs Hermeneutics [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 117-132]

  • Reasons A Defense of Interventionist Account of Basing Relation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 41-62]

  • Recent Differentia A Study of Ṭabāṭabāʼī’s Criticisms of Mūllā Ṣadrā’s View on “Limit Definition of an Object by Differentia” [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 73-90]

  • Recognition Axel Honneth and the Struggle for Recognition in the Sphere of Family: Challenges and Limitations [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 205-224]

  • Reflection Reflection and It,s Conceptual Evolution in Fichte,s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 97-115]

  • Reflection A Study on the Relation between the Notions of the Symbol and Metaphor in Ricoeur's Thought [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 1-137]

  • Reflective Age Envy; Kierkegaard's Critique of the Age of Reflection [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 131-152]

  • Reflective method Reflection and It,s Conceptual Evolution in Fichte,s Thought [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 97-115]

  • Reichenbach Reichenbach and Transition from Synthetic a Priori to Relativized a Priori [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 147-167]

  • Reincarnation Critical investigation of the Razi’s critics to the creativity of the soul in the Ibn Sina’s view [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 57-73]

  • Relativism - [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2004]

  • Relativism Study of Some Epistemological and Political Consequences of Rorty and Gadamer's Doctrines on Truth [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 91-106]

  • Relativized a Priori Reichenbach and Transition from Synthetic a Priori to Relativized a Priori [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 147-167]

  • Relevance theory A Criticism of Theories of Meaning in Analytic Philosophy of Art [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 61-83]

  • Religion Revelation and Knowledge in Socratic-Platonic Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-102]

  • Religion Fetrah in Ghazali's Thought, in Comparison with Avicenna's Works [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 107-125]

  • Religious experience The Intersection of Religious Experience and Aesthetic Experience [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 219-238]

  • Religious Studies Reconceptualising Religion : A Philosophical Critique of Religious Studies as Cultural Studies [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 21-36]

  • Representation Kant's Real Self [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 84-101]

  • Representation Goodman’s Aesthetics: Nominalistic or Non-nominalistic? Abstract [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 15-36]

  • Representation Relationship between Being and Consciousness in Husserl’s Logical Investigation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 63-83]

  • Representation The Constitutional Role of Imagination in History in Paul Ricoeurˊs Hermeneutics [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 117-132]

  • Representation of the Historical Narrative The Constitutional Role of Imagination in History in Paul Ricoeurˊs Hermeneutics [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 117-132]

  • Research Ethics Critiques, Editing, and Epistemology of Testimony [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-14]

  • Resistance Is Suffering Bad?” Derek Parfit and Nietzsche on Suffering [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 117-139]

  • Resurrection The Fate of the Incomplete Spirits from Farabi's Perspective [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 189-210]

  • Resurrection of Children The Fate of the Incomplete Spirits from Farabi's Perspective [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 189-210]

  • Resurrection of the idiots The Fate of the Incomplete Spirits from Farabi's Perspective [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 189-210]

  • Resurrection of the Insane The Fate of the Incomplete Spirits from Farabi's Perspective [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 189-210]

  • Revelation Revelation and Knowledge in Socratic-Platonic Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-102]

  • Revenge Plato on Punishment Ehsan Poshtmashhadi [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 1-20]

  • Revolution Isotopic Conditions of Capitalism: The possibility of Revolution in the Schizophrenic Philosophy of Deleuze-Guattari [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 237-260]

  • Revolutionary Age Envy; Kierkegaard's Critique of the Age of Reflection [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 131-152]

  • Rhetoric Derrida and Deconstructing Metaphor [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 71-86]

  • Ricoeur The Analysis of the Relation between Understanding, Metaphor, Narration and Action in Ricoeur's Thought [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 21-40]

  • Rousseau Autonomy and Moral Community in Kant’s Social Philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 35-53]

  • Rousseau The Importance of Rousseau's Recreation of Platonic Criticism of Art [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 1-19]

  • Rumi A comparative study on the dialectic of faith and understanding in Hermeneutics of Rumi and Augustine to eliminate misunderstandings about the motto of “Credo ut intelligam” [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 39-59]

  • Rumi The Origin of Beauty in Rumi Viewpoint [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 123-142]


  • Sacrifice Comparison of the Narrative of the Sacrifice of Son by Abraham in Ibn ʿArabī's Mysticism and Kierkegaard's Existentialist Attitude [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 113-133]

  • Sadra On the Notorious History of the Problem of Primacy of [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 105-120]

  • Sadraean Wisdom An Analysis of relation between logos and scripture in Sadraean wisdom [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 61-79]

  • Sartre Analysis of Sartreian Critique on Husserl’s Transcendental Ego [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 153-170]

  • Sassanian wisdom Priscianus of Lydia at the Sasanian Court: Solutionum ad Chosroem [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 21-31]

  • Schaffner Theorem Reduction and Ontic Structural Realism [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 197-219]

  • Schelling The Roots of Transition to Being as the Ground of Consciousness in Schelling [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 17-36]

  • Schelling "The Metaphysics of Evil"; An Ontological Interpretation of the System of Freedom [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-125]

  • Schilling Schelling's Reading of the Problem of Pantheism Based on the Principle of “Identity” [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 193-211]

  • Schizophrenia Deleuze: desiring machine and its components [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 97-115]

  • Schopenhauer The Assessment of Schopenhauer’s Criticism of Kant’s Analysis of Causality [Volume 11, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 47-66]

  • Science and Pseudoscience Insights from Social Epistemology for Thinking about the Demarcation Problem [(Articles in Press)]

  • Scientific knowledge Nous: Indemonstrable Knowledge And Aristotle's Epistemic Hexis (II) [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 101-114]

  • Scientific Pluralism Sandra Harding’s Scientific Pluralism and Its Inconsistencies [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 111-132]

  • Scientific Reduction Reduction and Ontic Structural Realism [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 197-219]

  • Scripture and Word of God An Analysis of relation between logos and scripture in Sadraean wisdom [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 61-79]

  • Searle A Meditation on Austin and Searle Taxonomies of Illocutionary Acts [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 39-56]

  • Secondary Intelligibles Avicenna on Philosophical Concepts: Primary or Secondary Intelligibles [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 23-42]

  • Self-consciousness The Roots of Transition to Being as the Ground of Consciousness in Schelling [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 17-36]

  • Self-legislation Autonomy and Moral Community in Kant’s Social Philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 35-53]

  • Selfnes One Approach to The Question of Personal Identity: Re-reading Narrative Identity [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 151-167]

  • Semantic The Highest Level of Clearness in Pierce’s Pragmatism [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 23-41]

  • Semantic Approach Reduction and Ontic Structural Realism [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 197-219]

  • Semiotics Peirce's Semiotics in the light of His philosophy, Epistemology and His Vision of pragmatism [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 5-37]

  • Sense perception - [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2002]

  • Sextus Impiricus The Deductive Stystem of Stoic Logic [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-84]

  • Shabah-e Mohaki Human Knowledge of Objects from John Locke and Abd al-Razzaq Lahiji’s Viewpoints [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-40]

  • Shankara Vedanta, Divine knowledge According to Hinduism [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 87-106]

  • Signification and Reference Relationship between Being and Consciousness in Husserl’s Logical Investigation [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 63-83]

  • Signify Analyzing of Wittgenstein's critique of Augustine's the picture theory of Language [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 45-65]

  • Similarity of Utterance and Meaning The Relationship Between Utterances and Meanings From al-Farabi’s Point Of View Considering The Usage Of “Primitive” and “Derivative” Names In The Expressing Of Philosophical Meanings [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 107-129]

  • Sincerity Condition A Meditation on Austin and Searle Taxonomies of Illocutionary Acts [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 39-56]

  • Singularity Aura and Differential Singularity (Towards a Materialist Aesthetics) [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 235-250]

  • Skepticism Phenomenology, Critique of Skepticism and Justification of Monistic Ontology [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 51-71]

  • Small Government Family Formulation of Ethics and Family Education in the Philosophy of Mencius [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-23]

  • Social Epistemology Insights from Social Epistemology for Thinking about the Demarcation Problem [(Articles in Press)]

  • Socrates The Definitions of “Philosophy” and “Philosopher” in Plato’s Phaedo [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 21-40]

  • Socrates Revelation and Knowledge in Socratic-Platonic Philosophy [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-102]

  • Socrates The Socratic Dialectical Method in definition of piety and Its Influence on The Fixation of Belief of Pierce [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 55-74]

  • Socrates The Possibility of Socrates' Turn in Muhammad b. Zakaryya al-Razi's The Philosophic Way of Life [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 1-22]

  • Socrates' turn The Possibility of Socrates' Turn in Muhammad b. Zakaryya al-Razi's The Philosophic Way of Life [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 1-22]

  • Solutionum ad Chosroem Priscianus of Lydia at the Sasanian Court: Solutionum ad Chosroem [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 21-31]

  • Sovereignty The Political Theology and the Exception: Carl Schmitt and the Problem of Sovereignty [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 33-49]

  • Sovereignty Adorno and Foucault’s Philosophical Encounters with Modernity: Designing Inter-Discursive Models [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 1-25]

  • Speciesism A Critical Review of Peter Singer's Speciesism Argumentation on Animal Rights [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 19-35]

  • Speculative Knowledge On the Relation of Language and Logic in Hegel’s Philosophy [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1-22]

  • Spinoza The Cure for Passions According to Spinoza and George Eliot [Volume 12, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 17-33]

  • Spinoza‌ Feminist Interperatation Of Spionaz's Theory Of Mind [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 47-64]

  • Spiritual path The Feminine vs. the Masculine : A Sufi Perspective of Life [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 67-89]

  • Standpoint Theory of Knowledge Sandra Harding’s Scientific Pluralism and Its Inconsistencies [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 111-132]

  • Stoic Logic The Deductive Stystem of Stoic Logic [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-84]

  • Structuralism Différance [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 1-26]

  • Structure of Utterance The Relationship Between Utterances and Meanings From al-Farabi’s Point Of View Considering The Usage Of “Primitive” and “Derivative” Names In The Expressing Of Philosophical Meanings [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 107-129]

  • Subject-Object Criterion Rereading Heidegger's Interpretation of Holderlin's Poetic Thought in the Light of Intention to Other [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 55-75]

  • Subordination, Affair (Shaʾn) A Critique of Proving the Substantial Movement by means of Subordination, Affair (Shaʾn) and Causality [(Articles in Press)]

  • Suffering Epistemological Approaches of Theater in Aesthetic Justification of the Concept of Culture: A Comparative Study on the Concept of "Culture" in Nietzsche and Artaud [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 91-107]

  • Suffering Is Suffering Bad?” Derek Parfit and Nietzsche on Suffering [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 117-139]

  • Sufism Sufism in the Western History : A Primary Outline [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 37-64]

  • Sufis’ style - [Volume 2, Issue 2, 2004]

  • Suhrawardi On the Notorious History of the Problem of Primacy of [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 105-120]

  • Suhrawardi Critique of Suhrawardi's Theory of God's Activity Based on the System of Rationalities in His Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 77-92]

  • Suhrawardi The Theory of the Reverse Process and its Application in Explaining the Way of Observing and Knowing About Occult Matters by Ibn Sina and Sheykh Eshraq [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 83-100]

  • Suhrawardi Tracing Suhrawardi's Theory of the Immateriality of Imagination in the Works of Ibn Sina [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 15-36]

  • Supernatural God-centered Point of View Meaning of Life in Death situation from Wittgenstein Point of View using Grounded Theory [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 95-111]

  • Syllogism Comparison Of 13thAD Logicians' Point Of View And Gelenbevi In Theory Of Syllogism [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 121-137]

  • Synthetic a Priori Reichenbach and Transition from Synthetic a Priori to Relativized a Priori [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 147-167]

  • System The Structure of Freedom: System or Fugue? [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 41-51]

  • System Schelling's Reading of the Problem of Pantheism Based on the Principle of “Identity” [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 193-211]

  • System of Concepts Critique of Suhrawardi's Theory of God's Activity Based on the System of Rationalities in His Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 77-92]

  • System of freedom "The Metaphysics of Evil"; An Ontological Interpretation of the System of Freedom [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 103-125]


  • Tariqa Love (Mohabba) in Sufism [Volume 7, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 57-63]

  • Ta'ziirat - [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2006]

  • Techne The Ontological Status of Art and Technology in Heidegger’s Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 69-87]

  • Technology of Truth-Seeking Engineering Normativity in Quine's Epistemology [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 197-218]

  • Temporality Historicity and it's Relation to Fundamental Ontology in Heidegger's Being and Time [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 57-72]

  • Temporality Bergson’s Footsteps in Heidegger’s Interpretation of Time [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 221-236]

  • Term “Hū” The Implication of the Term“ Hū” for“ copulative being” in the Arabic language of the age of revelation: A logical-historical reading of Farabi and Avicenna's works [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 243-260]

  • The Allegory of the Cave - [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2002]

  • The Arabic Language of the Revelation Period The Implication of the Term“ Hū” for“ copulative being” in the Arabic language of the age of revelation: A logical-historical reading of Farabi and Avicenna's works [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 243-260]

  • The Classical The Classical and Historical Tradition in Gadamer’s Hermeneutics [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 67-87]

  • The Concept of and Approach to Reduction Reduction and Ontic Structural Realism [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 197-219]

  • The Exception The Political Theology and the Exception: Carl Schmitt and the Problem of Sovereignty [Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 33-49]

  • The first and second rationals Explaining the Problems of Dividing the First and Second Intellects Based on the Principle of Existence and its Ontological Fruits [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 91-112]

  • The genealogy of sciences Examining the Feasibility of Localization in Humanities from the Perspective of Fundamental Ontology [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 87-112]

  • The Healing (al-shifāʾ) Ḥakīm Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Lārī's Explanation of Avicenna's View on Motion An Analytical Introduction and the Editio Princeps of the Treatise on the Discussion of the Motion [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 59-82]

  • Theism Aesthetics Arguments from the Perspective of C .S. Louis [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 61-78]

  • The logic of Expression Clarification of the Relation Between Unity and Multiplicity in Logic of Expression According to Deleuze’s Reading of Spinoza [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 17-34]

  • Themas The Deductive Stystem of Stoic Logic [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-84]

  • The Modern Worldview The Shift in Habermas's Philosophical Thought on the Role of Religion in the Public Sphere [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 21-38]

  • The Mythical Worldview The Shift in Habermas's Philosophical Thought on the Role of Religion in the Public Sphere [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 21-38]

  • The Myth of the Souls’Cycle - [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2002]

  • Theological Treatises The Relationship between Philosophy and Religion in Creation in Boethius's Thought Relying on the Theological Treatises and the Consolation of Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 261-280]

  • Theology Phenomenology of Religion : A Systematic Approach [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 1-19]

  • The Ontological Problem Reduction and Ontic Structural Realism [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 197-219]

  • Theory Theory and practice in Heidegger's thought and an attempt to read it as intercultural philosophy [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 81-100]

  • Theory and Practice The Necessity of Teaching Philosophy to Acquire Happiness from the Perspective of Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi [Volume 16, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 43-62]

  • Theory of Narration The Origin of Beauty in Rumi Viewpoint [Volume 14, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 123-142]

  • Theory of sets Aura and Differential Singularity (Towards a Materialist Aesthetics) [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 235-250]

  • The other Epistemological Critique of the Simplicity and Otherness in the Existence [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 115-126]

  • The other Habermas and the Other of Occidental Rationality: The Dichotomous Logic of Exclusive Inclusion [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 145-165]

  • The Paradigms of the Sciences (Unmūdhaj al-ʿulūm) Ḥakīm Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Lārī's Explanation of Avicenna's View on Motion An Analytical Introduction and the Editio Princeps of the Treatise on the Discussion of the Motion [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 59-82]

  • The perfection peculiar to human species Development of Soul Through Contemplation and Action Seen from the Viewpoint of lslamic Philosophers and Gnostics [Volume 8, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 1-34]

  • The Philosophic Way of Life The Possibility of Socrates' Turn in Muhammad b. Zakaryya al-Razi's The Philosophic Way of Life [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 1-22]

  • The principle of harm A Philosophical Examination of the Arguments against Criminalization of Mere Thought [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 125-144]

  • The Public Sphere The Shift in Habermas's Philosophical Thought on the Role of Religion in the Public Sphere [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 21-38]

  • The real and credit compoundJealousy Explaining the Problems of Dividing the First and Second Intellects Based on the Principle of Existence and its Ontological Fruits [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 91-112]

  • The Religious-Metaphysical Worldview The Shift in Habermas's Philosophical Thought on the Role of Religion in the Public Sphere [Volume 13, Issue 2, 2016, Pages 21-38]

  • The Social A Investigation on the Philosophical Foundations of the Concept of Hegemony: Laclau, Derrida and Possibility of the Discursive Formulations [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 1-16]

  • The world of the soul and the abstract Explaining the Problems of Dividing the First and Second Intellects Based on the Principle of Existence and its Ontological Fruits [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 91-112]

  • Thomas Aquinas Analytical Thomists's viewpoints, especially Anthony Kenny's, on Thomas Aquinas's thought about Being: A Critical Study. [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-17]

  • Thomas Aquinas Beauty and Its Relation to Form in Thomas Aquinas’s Philosophy [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-20]

  • Thomas Aquinas Participation in‌The philosophy of Saint Thomas Aquinas [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 167-187]

  • Thomas Aquinas Al-vahed Rule from the Pperspective of Thomas Aquinas and Mulla Sadra [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 221-241]

  • Thomism Analytical Thomists's viewpoints, especially Anthony Kenny's, on Thomas Aquinas's thought about Being: A Critical Study. [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-17]

  • Time-Consciousness Analyzing the Relationship between Time-Consciousness and Self-Consciousness in Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 37-54]

  • Time-Image The Relation between Philosophy and Cinema A Research based on Gilles Deleuze’s Cinematic Philosophy [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 21-40]

  • Total Existence Examining the Effect of the Theory of Gradation of Being on the View of Totalism in Mulla Sadra's Thought [Volume 21, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 167-183]

  • Tradition Horizon of Understanding in the Mirror of Understanding of Horizon [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 59-86]

  • Transcendence Freedom as Ground of Cause and Reason in Heidegger's "Metaphysics of Dasein [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 67-85]

  • Transcendental Idealism Kant’s Response To Mathematical Antinomies [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 9-28]

  • Transcendental phenomenology Analysis and Investigation of the Constitution of the Alter Ego in Husserl's Phenomenology [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 213-233]

  • Transcendental Wisdom The Conceptual Incompatibility of Free Will from the Perspective of Transcendental Wisdom [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 175-196]

  • Traversal Motion Mirdamad's Theory on the External Being of Motion and Its Meanings [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 127-145]

  • Triple Meanings of Ego An Analysis Concerning the Meaning and Role of Reflection in the Triple Phases of Husserl’s Philosophy [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 85-105]

  • Truth Bearer Proposition's Being Truth-Bearers and Impossibility of Pointing out to an Inexistent: Solution of the Liar Paradox [Volume 18, Issue 1, 2020, Pages 189-205]

  • Turing machine From Functionalism To Contextualism: Reconstructing Dialogue Between Dreyfus And Putnam [Volume 11, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 103-120]

  • Two Ages Envy; Kierkegaard's Critique of the Age of Reflection [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 131-152]


  • Unified Composition of Form and Matter Unified Composition of Form and Matter and the Problem of Unity of Intellect and object of intellection [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 57-77]

  • Unit Al-vahed Rule from the Pperspective of Thomas Aquinas and Mulla Sadra [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 221-241]

  • Unity Relationship Between diversity and absolute unity in Philosophy and Mysticism [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 37-54]

  • Unity Clarification of the Relation Between Unity and Multiplicity in Logic of Expression According to Deleuze’s Reading of Spinoza [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 17-34]

  • Unity An Analysis of the Transcendental Philosophy Achievements on Shiite Ijtihad: the Case Study of Existential Unity [Volume 21, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 167-190]

  • Unity of Intellect and Intelligible Unified Composition of Form and Matter and the Problem of Unity of Intellect and object of intellection [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 57-77]

  • Universalization Habermas and the Other of Occidental Rationality: The Dichotomous Logic of Exclusive Inclusion [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 145-165]

  • Using Analyzing of Wittgenstein's critique of Augustine's the picture theory of Language [Volume 17, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 45-65]


  • Value Intrinsic Value: Towards A Pragmatic Theory [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 107-123]

  • Value of Art Goodman’s Aesthetics: Nominalistic or Non-nominalistic? Abstract [Volume 15, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 15-36]

  • Value theory Relativism of Values and De Se Attitudes [Volume 20, Issue 2, 2022, Pages 35-56]

  • Vedanta Vedanta, Divine knowledge According to Hinduism [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2012, Pages 87-106]

  • Virtue Zagzebski's Moral Theory: Exemplarist Virtue Theory [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 41-58]

  • Virtue Analyzing the Highest and Worst Moral Attributes from the Perspective of Aristotle, Aquinas, and Khajeh Nasir-al-Din Tusi. [Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 85-103]


  • Western Sufism Sufism in the Western History : A Primary Outline [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 37-64]

  • Whitehead’s philosophy Ecological Thought : Some New Implications Of Whitehead’s Philosophy [Volume 7, Issue 2, 2009, Pages 93-106]

  • Will to Power Is Suffering Bad?” Derek Parfit and Nietzsche on Suffering [Volume 16, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 117-139]

  • Wisdom, System of Sciences, Analogical Unity Aristotle; Philosophy and Unity of the Science System [Volume 18, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 89-110]

  • Wittgenstein Philosophical Thinking about Abstract Algebra [Volume 20, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 189-204]

  • Words A Study of the Nature of Language in Alpharabius’s Philosophy of Language [Volume 17, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 121-140]

  • Workmanship A Philosophical Framework For The Meaning of Work [Volume 19, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 153-172]

  • World of Intellect An Analysis of relation between logos and scripture in Sadraean wisdom [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 61-79]

  • World of Soul and Legislation An Analysis of relation between logos and scripture in Sadraean wisdom [Volume 12, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 61-79]


  • Zagzebski Zagzebski's Moral Theory: Exemplarist Virtue Theory [Volume 13, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 41-58]